Can you help me figure this out?

Hello my fellow steemians! I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself to everyone in the Steem ecosystem. I also wanted to give my two cents worth about the space and ask YOU a question! I am just a college student who got interested in the crypto space after a friend told me to look into it. Since I started doing my search I’ve found not only a great new community, but also a technology which I think can truly change the way we do many things in the world. Having said this, it very much annoys me when I have conversations with people who do not fully understand the possibilities of block chain technology but are just quick to lash Bitcoin as a failure of a currency and say that crypto will never take over. I 100% agree with the notion that crypto will not completely take over, especially not as a currency, but block chain technology on a whole definitely has its role to play as we move forward as a society.

I’m not saying that digital currency will not have a great role to play in the future, I just don’t see it dominating the currency world or overthrowing banks as some people would like to think; maybe someday, but no time soon. Just take a look at what history shows us. During the dotcom bubble everyone was saying that if you are not opening an ecommerce store then you are wasting your time; they said that brick and mortar would be dead in 10 years! Well, here we are in 2018 and although e- commerce does have its place in society and has definitely changed the way that we see shopping, there is still a place for regular stores and malls and there always will be; because online shopping doesn’t solve all the problems. Similarly to what Amazon has done, I think another company can emerge as a powerhouse soon, becoming the number one block chain company and therefore provide all of the services which will be beneficial to the world, utilizing said technology. It will be very fun to watch the companies battle it out, but also sad to see many of these projects die out because one crypto solves all of the problems and provides the best service from block chain tech.

The crypto space is a very vulnerable one right now. With no regulations and the opportunity to make money, crypto is like shopping on black Friday, madness. I have seen 17 year olds in this space lead thousands of people astray to invest in a Ponzi scheme which crashed and burned. cough bitconnect cough When bitcoin was making its run up during December, trying to get people to click on their affiliate links or watch their Instagram ads was like giving candy to a baby for many of these fickle content creators. Some may say that they didn’t know, but I don’t think it is healthy for the space when there are people who are almost considered authorities on the topic, giving crypto reviews in their garage next to their Ferrari and just talking about random coins they know nothing about, whilst saying that if you invest then they think you can have your own Neil Armstrong experience. TO THE MOON! They would all quickly mumble at the end of their videos the disclaimers that they are not financial advisers and they are not giving financial advice after dangling their candy around for 12 minutes and making it seem absolutely impossible that you could ever lose money! This is not the crypto space I want to be a part of. Also, where are they now that the market has had a big pull back? No more daily giveaways, no more coin reviews, but most importantly, no apologies.

Enough of my rant.

Upon joining steem I was very amazed at the amount of interaction on the platform. Some kind of cross between all of the existing social media aspects with no ads was definitely enough for me to give it a look. What I found was more of an uncut stone, but I believe that with some refinement, steemit can become a precious gem. Seeing people be genuinely social and taking time to create excellent content was very refreshing. Hopefully we can go a while before the space is taken over by steemit models!

Having seen this excellent platform, it made me wonder. What can I do to contribute to the crypto space? Just my little bit to help this movement catch traction and maybe educate a person or two about the real possibilities of this space. I needed to do something which was genuine, educational to both me and everyone else as well as just fun for me to do. Then it came to me! I would like to dedicate my steemit profile to introducing steemians to various other decentralized platforms. In this space I have seen many coin reviewers and tech analysis big youtubers, but I don’t think that there are enough people showing the real use cases of crypto. Just showing people decentralized exchanges and sites is a great way which I think you could show the average person what the internet could look like in the future.

I like to think of it this way; If Ripple was taken on board by all the banks of the world, we in this space would see the growth and development of that company and associate with what that means. The average household consumer would only actually know that their banks can now send money overseas to their son (or daughter) much faster and it will be much cheaper, the banking system would get the praise, not crypto or blockchain. It’s our responsibility to educate more people about the space.

I will never forget the first time I used the Etherdelta exchange. If you haven’t then I recommend you check it out! Actually utilizing and seeing what it means to be decentralized is something truly special and I think that I can and would like to share that with you here on steem and also maybe on youtube. I think that if I can show the real use cases of crypto and get just 1 or 2 people interested in the space and lead them to start doing some research, then I have given back to what is becoming a great community.

2018 will be a big year for crypto, not only are many companies building on the Ethereum blockchain, but as Nebulas has announced that they will be releasing their Mainnet in the first quarter of 2018, we will see the first functioning “blockchain 3.0”. Many Dapps (decentralized applications) will be launched this year and I would love the pleasure of not only introducing some of these to you but also taking requests to look into them as we continue to learn together.

So here is the question. Do you think that this is a viable venture or am I wasting my time and your time? Also will you be with me through the journey of 2018? I want to hear what you guys have to say about everything in this post. Give me some resteem and hit the comments people, let’s talk this through and also discuss what we think would be the best form of content delivery. This is not only my contribution to the crypto community but I believe that if this gains traction then we can enlighten a few more people about the great possibilities of this technology which we believe in so much!
Really looking forward to hearing from you! I won’t have any bad feelings if you let me know my idea is either outdated or just stupid. If anything you will save us time and space on the blockchain!!

Don’t forget to follow :) I will follow back!


please go to my profile and look at the post where I thank steemit,
Thank you

Interesting post, what did you think of my question?

honest and promising!

welcome to steemit.. ^^

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