
Trump really needs to eat a whole bag of these.

Came here to say this, you beat me to it. +1 good sir!

Maybe they should airdrop the spores over North Korea too?

In theory, in practice he'd probably write it all off as having been "poisoned"..

Someone posted that potus needs to eat a sack full of these...
But He is a Mushroom, an Orange one.....look at what kind of Trip we are all on;)

That is an insult to mushrooms. How dare you!

Austin! If my comment offended you!
Great!...lets do some mushes together via discord...I know well get along~*

I need to figure out what discord is.

No worries, i didn't know either, its a chat voice app.
See you on there sometime soon
Steem on

Only the people watching Faux News are tripping...

I became anti fascist without mushrooms though.

My suggest: raise your kids in the forest, and they will become calm and balanced :D

Magic Mushrooms have been used by different cultures in social and religious ceremonies for centuries. H's interesting to see some of the scientific data on why they're so popular

Thanks for sharing this. We do know that this is rediculous right? It has been known virtually forever that mushrooms work because they are technically poisoning you. I used to love them and had great experiences with them. They never changed my views on life or nature as a whole. It was just good times with friends and some good visuals too. After they left my system i continued having the same thoughts and beliefs that i held before use. Keep posting wonderful content like this and thanks.

What are we waiting for dish the out to all the statists! 💯🐒

They're amazing little miracles. So glad to see there's research being done on them and they're being talked about a lot more! The psychedelic renaissance is happening slowly. I;ve heard the internet compared to mycelium before! lol Here's a little mushroom Mandala I drew a while ago :) Peace and thanks for sharing this type of content. IMG_0395s.jpg

we should all have a plate of pasta with psylocube sauce, weekly.

and then engage collectively in obligatory ballet dance.

lol dead serious ^

Where can I get those??? I know who to send them to make sure the world is getting better :)

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