in #nigeria7 years ago

This is identifying what is right for you and does them. No man should pilot your affairs. You walk according to your convictions by expressing them positively. Your values tell you who you really are, by the way you think and feel. When you cherish yourself according to the expression of your values, then you will discovered some honor, glory and self respect.

To cherish yourself, you should look at these factors:

One of the weapons against motivation is procrastination.

  • Personal investment - just as in personal development, as you cherish yourself, it will affect your life spiritually, morally, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
    Equally, as a tripartite being, you will nurture the whole department in love. When you neglect your body, spirit and soul, it will affect your general well being and accomplishment.


  • Your body - you should always take care of your body. A youth should not be too heavenly conscious to be earthly no-good. Your body is a special gift from God and should be taken care of. This is the right way to cherish yourself. God really wants you to maintain your body. It takes a healthy body to carry a healthy spirit.
    Your body is your treasure, asset, riches and abundance. You should take care of your body by eating good foods, take exercise and rest adequately.

  • Your mind - the mind can actually be said to be the seat of reasoning, emotion and will. As a youth, you should always nurture your mind according to the will of God. Paul commands the renewal of mind and transformation by feeding the mind by the right things and virtues. We should not take our mind for granted.
    We should not surrender it to the enemies so that we should not be suppressed, oppressed and captivated. The Bible talks about casting down every imagination originally settled in the mind when given a chance. Certain internal sicknesses result as a result of damaged or captivated mind. "keeping the neural connections of your mind active helps maintain memory and brain function at optimum levels".


  • Your spirit - this is a life that connects you to your manufacturer-God. A healthy spirit is worth Keeping well. you keep your spirit well by spiritually nutrients.
    The spirit of the Lord dwells in you as a child of God. You nurture your spirit by studying the word, praying and sincere fellowship with the Lord. "If you take care of your mind and body and neglect the spirit, there will be no spiritually growth. When you take care of your spirit, you are rejuvenated and refreshed. When you love yourself, you invest in your personal growth and development. You endeavor to be the best you can and strive to achieve your potential.

With this I believe that we now have the reason to cherish ourselves..and I remain your humble friend @captainshayne


That's a wonderful content bro..
Nicely written... ( mAh Big Guy ) Smile
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Thanks big gee.

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