Miniworld Odesa Beach, Ukraine, cross-processed & anti-scheimpflug, for Peoplephotography by worldcapture Week #38

in #creativecoin5 years ago (edited)

the best part of this fantastic scene is the man with a beer in the middle :-))

Oh yes, I was watching him!

and the beer :-))

I think you sum up very well the feelings of many Steemians who are still blogging! This thing has a strange effect on people.

I hope thus thing won’t fold up too soon! Even though some people think it will not survive a global financial meltdown down next year! We’d better have some sort of backup plan, just in case the worst scenario turned up!

Dust votes or very small value votes in comments would be burnt away after the HF, so many people stop upvoting comments to have more SP for the posts.

I suppose high quality posts should have more upvotes while people who use bid bots would be down voted! Hard Fork is supposed to change our culture on Steemit!

We will have to wait and see!

Good luck!

STEEM/crypto might actually profit from the coming financial meltdown.... but I think my garden is a better backup plan!

I see positiv changes on STEEM since the hardfork; esp. trending starts to be interesting. I just find it strange that people needed this change to start using downvotes, but it works. Personally I make far less rewards, but 'by far less' of very little is not a big change ;)

I just keep on posting. It's a great exercise!

Agreed! Your garden is an excellent backup for economic melt down! I think cryptos will do well eventually! Steems will be quite useful when we could use it more widely in the future.

I wonder why I see so many people powering down!? I would exchange Steems for Litecoins or Bitcoins when I have accumulated them for a while. Diversification!

I am curious to see what happens here. I would like to see it continue...

I also hate it at times.

I don't look at any of the "about steemit, crypto, hot, trending" I feel better not reading any of that.

I'm glad to see your posts!

Interesting times!
Hope to see Steem grow, but it has been a bumpy but undeniably fun ride up till now!

I still want to see all weird Black Sea resorts myself ( and the Baltic ones). Love these photos

The weird architecture, esp. Brutalism, is what still makes me think of an extensive trip to the east...

This photo looks very much like a 3D model! But the sea looks so real and beautiful!

A little trick called freelensing...

Thank you! I’ll look it up.

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