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RE: Justice Out Of Reach For The Poor

in #life6 years ago

I don't like your attitude in this comment. You are telling her that the poor are stupid! Wow! I wrote a series of posts about my friend Anna and her fight against CPS, and she is HIGHLY INTELLIGENT! Yet she had a long, terrible fight.

From what I can tell about the person sharing this post, they went through their own terrible court process with CPS. So they are talking from experience and how being poor made them more vulnerable to attack and hindered them in their fight to keep their family together.

Also, you say that it is easy to win -- that you just have to show up and fight everything. But what happens when showing up to the constant court dates and meeting all the CPS demands upon you mean that you can not go to work? Not going to work means that you don't earn enough money to eat and pay for your rent. Not paying for your rent makes you homeless which then gives CPS even more ammunition to not give your children back. Many, many families have been financially devastated from fighting CPS. In fact my friend Anna's family, which was already poor, were put into TONS of debt through the process. The debt was not because of lawyers (which were paid for by Legal Aid) but because of things like them forcing her husband to move out and have to pay for a second home, while still trying to support his family.


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