Healthy Toddler has a STROKE and Becomes Autistic after Vaccination (VaxXed Stories: Heather White)

in #health8 years ago (edited)

After getting 9 vaccines in one day, little Luke White, became very ill, had signs of a stroke and regressed into Autism. He had been healthy up until that moment, meeting all of his milestones up until 15-months.

He started screaming

self injury

not sleeping

not eating

post-instructive diarrhea from having constipation

raised migrating rash

high fevers that went into hypothermia with blue lips

Emergency Room visits

blood draws to see if it was bacterial or viral


Little Luke's mother, Heather White, was a CT Technologist and knew from her clinical experiences working with stroke victims, that this looked like a stroke, because he wanted to talk but couldn't. She knew that something was very wrong and this WAS NOT NORMAL.


The Doctors were offering no help, and her son kept getting sicker.

Finally she fired all of the doctors and figured out what really happened and how to actually help her son.

He is doing much better today, and she talks in the video a bit about how she has done this.

Heather White now runs the website,

Heather White is so passionate about getting to the bottom of what Autism is all about that she went back to university as a student and is now a Predoctoral Intern in Health Science and her goal is to go into Autism Research. She does a lot of health research, epidemiology; qualitative and quantitative.

My Thoughts @canadian-coconut

If you read my article here:

you will see how Vaccines actually DO CAUSE STROKES and palsy. That is why I found this interview with Heather White so fascinating, as she knew what strokes were like and she recognized it in her child. I think that it is atrocious that the medical community does not acknowledge this. And it is atrocious that they do not recognize that vaccines can cause autism. When thousands of parents are speaking out and saying that they know that vaccines caused their normal child to regress into autism, it can't be dismissed as crazy.

I also can not get over how suddenly all these terrible Adverse Reactions are being called "NORMAL!" Doctors are even telling parents that Seizures Are Normal! What?? That is ridiculous. Just because they see a lot of children after vaccines having seizures and horrible reactions, DOES NOT MAKE IT NORMAL! It is USUAL, yes. It is usual and all-too-common after vaccines for children to have these bad reactions.

But it is not a part of normal childhood!

For More Vaccine Injury Stories, follow my blog @canadian-coconut

Please comment below. Let's start a discussion.


I just watched an interview with Del Bigtree the producer of Vaxxed Via Youtube channel. This is getting insane. 1:2 children will be autistic by 2030 as stated by top statisticians. We have to stop the Pharma companies and the global elites pushing these eugenics programs on our babies.

Del Bigtree is so well spoken and has a way of getting the average person to understand and put the pieces of the puzzle together. It truly is insane how quickly autism is growing, and how there is so little concern for the future of humanity if this continues. They insist that vaccines don't cause autism, yet they don't give us an explanation of what does. They waste a lot of hot air pushing for forced vaccination to stop things like measles, while people on average were quite healthy in the days of measles, and now they are on average growing less and less healthy, especially the young. Their priorities are way, way off.
Thank-you for joining this discussion.

We didn't have these sort of serum back in the days, I'm an 80's dude.

Actually, the formula hasn't really changed over the years. You think they would have improved things by now with all of our advances in science. Any individual vaccine has always had the potential to harm, sometimes very seriously including death. What has changed a lot though is the number of vaccines, how much younger the vaccines are introduced, the increase in boosters for each vaccine, etc. For instance, when you were young they likely still considered one dose of measles vaccine to be good enough for life. Now they say a child needs 3 when young, and more as they age.
They know that the vaccines are not as effective as they once thought, and they know that they wear off a lot quicker than they used to think. This is why they will be pushing adult vaccines more and more too. If you are an adult of about 30 years, most of your childhood vaccines are known to have worn off.

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