Sing and play week 160 // A dwelling place,cover by @caleb-marvel, Beneficiary 10% to @donatello

in Sing and play3 years ago (edited)
Hello my dear friend and steemains in the sing and play Community happy new week to you and how is was your weekend relaxation? I really thank God for a new week like this and for his mercy upon our life's that made us not to be consumed my the hands of the wicked/evil forces, may his name be praised. Here is a song that I really wants to play to the Glory of God and to our listening pleasure.

In Spanish
Hola mi querido amigo y steemains en la comunidad de cantar y tocar feliz nueva semana para ti y como estuvo tu fin de semana de relajación Realmente agradezco a Dios por una nueva semana como esta y por su misericordia sobre nuestras vidas que hizo que no nos consumiéramos mi manos de las fuerzas malignas / malignas, sea alabado su nombre. Aquí hay una canción que realmente quiero tocar para la gloria de Dios y para nuestro placer de escuchar.

The lyrics

And I will make, my life a dwelling place, and I will build your throne in my life..×2
Come father, come son,
Come Holy spirit, come and take your place in my life..

Y haré de mi vida una morada, y construiré tu trono en mi vida .. × 2
Ven padre, ven hijo, ven Espíritu Santo, ven y toma tu lugar en mi vida ..

The 2nd song
When you want to collect your people, remember me oh Lord, remember me my Lord..

Cuando quieras reunir a tu gente, recuérdame oh Señor, recuérdame mi Señor ..

The 3rd song by soloing
For ever, oh Lord, your word is settled in heaven it is settled.
For ever..
For ever, for ever oh Lord, your word is settled in heaven it is settled in heaven.
For ever, oh Lord, your word is settled in heaven it is settled.

Para siempre, oh Señor, está establecida tu palabra en los cielos, está establecida. Para siempre ...
Para siempre, para siempre oh Señor, permanece tu palabra en los cielos, permanece en los cielos.
Para siempre, oh Señor, está establecida tu palabra en los cielos, está establecida.

A special thanks to all musicians in this community and to all our viewers in the universe, we Love you and God Loves you more.


And to you all that i was not able me list list your names, I Love you all and I really appreciate you.

May God bless us all, Amen.


Thank you so much for sharing your lovely video!
I really appreciate your support.

Thanks sir, I really appreciate your efforts.
May God bless you sir💐💐💐🌹🌹

This is lovely. Great talent bro👍

Bigger wins bro

Thanks my biggest boss

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