A Bit of Rambling on Drugs, High School and My Past

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Ill be completely honest, im still a bit disturbed and shocked, so if it feels like im rambling I apologize. I figured the best way to help myself feel a bit better was to write about it, so here I go. Someone I went to high school with and was actually quite fond of overdosed this morning. He was a nice kid, but as far back as I could remember had a problem with drugs and alcohol. In high school, although I never was into drugs, I hung out around kids who were, mostly because they didnt have high expectations for themselves or their future. It was a nice change from the average know it all who was constantly bragging about their GPAs or achievements.

High school was also a rough time for me with anxiety and my grades suffering because of it. I guess I liked hanging around with the kids who everyone considered fuck ups because I felt like a fuck up myself. I never had a problem with these kids because while many times they were drunk in class or were getting high during the day, they were generally nice people. In the end regardless of status, as long as you are a nice person im usually willing to be your friend. So for four years, they were the types of people I liked to talk with, to sit with at lunch and overall they were pretty accepting.

Admittedly my active friend group from high school is very small so many of the people that I spend time with, I havent seen in a while. My brother though has been friends with a few of them through mutual friends of his so I would get updates on how some of them were doing. The one who passed away was having a hard time. He was into hard drugs and I knew he was having a rough time of it. He was actively trying and failing to quit, but ultimately was unsuccessful. I don't feel guilty because I think I could have done something, but a small part of me feels guilty because I hadnt seen him in a while.

There is a problem with harder drugs in our country, specifically addictions to them being escalated through prescription drugs. Theres an opioid crisis going on, but today I dont really feel like talking much about it in detail. Whether or not you consider addiction an illness or just something people have, it affected him and he wasnt able to move forward. Ultimately he lost his life fighting the battle. I wish there was something that could break the spell that these drugs have on people like him, but mostly sheer willpower is the only thing that works.

To them the need to use is as strong as the need to eat when youve gone all day without food. Its such a human impulse that just wants to make you feel happy and incredibly hard to fight. You can see the pain in these peoples lives. They dont want to be addicted, they want to be free of a drug that has a hold on them. They know it will eventually cost them their lives if they dont stop and every day is an uphill battle. Theres not much that can be done for my friend now, but theres still time for others. I dont know the answer to this problem, im as in the dark as anyone else. I can only hope that my friend is in pain no longer. Maybe well meet again.



I’m sure you already feel better when you hit the “POST” button.
Many of us went through these challenges, as long as we learned from them we will be fine. Unfortunately not everybody is so lucky, just read the news and you hear these tragic stories every day.
Great post!

Thanks milano, I took the day mostly just relaxed and thought about things. Thanks for the support.

In the end regardless of status, as long as you are a nice person I'm usually willing to be your friend.

I think that we shouldn’t care at all about status, as well as nationality or religion, when we choose who to befriend with. I believe that we should care only how much is someone ready to help unconditionally, how much is someone pleasant to be with, how much does someone know about smart or interesting things, and how much can someone make you laugh and feel good.

It is horrible what happened to your friend. It kinda reminds me of Requiem for a Dream film, a must see if you haven't already.

P.S. It's not your fault.


Status is weird because many times the people who have it think they are better than others, which is why I tend to like those who dont. They may be rough around the edges but I have found they genuinely care more about their friendships. Appreciate the kind words.

Dealing with anixiety and depression throughout life can make people turn to the worst. We have to be there support and communities around them have to build and intervene. In the U.S. Opiod's are running crazy and I see this down turn on society living in the City of Detroit and many other major areas. Prayer and support and hoping for the best.

Yeah the opioid crisis in the US right now is crazy. I live in an area that isnt even as badly affected as some other places. I cant imagine how Detroit is handling it. Appreciate the support.

I know a few friends who are also consistently taking drugs mostly every day. They know it's a problem, they know it might kill them, but they still do it. I simply can't figure out why is to hard to quit drugs. I've never been addicted to any drugs so I couldn't know, but it seems to me that the events taking place in their lives make them use those drugs as a way to escape the reality they live in.

Yeah its really hard once you are addicted to quit. Think of how hard it would be to fast for a week. To them thats what a day feels like. At first the allure is the escape, later that escape is a hell they cant break free from.

I tell you my brother,you know addiction is something that you cannot just stop at once otherwise you automatically sending the person to the graveyard.one of the best way to treat any addiction is by lowering the number of dozes such person can take within a week ,day or even an hour.Let say am addicted to smoking cigratte to the extent that takes up to 5 stick of cigratte a day .the best way to handle it is to start lowering the number let say 3 stick per day until it get to one stick then you can move to not taken it at all for the whole day.So what am i saying ,even those your friends still have a way out to their addiction by applying the method of lowering the number of dozes until it get to zero.thanks for sharing this wonderful write up on drug addiction

Yeah but it is up to the user to lower their doses which often is very hard to get them to do. Most of the time they arent thinking clearly to begin with.

after I read your post, I am very touched, you are big soul, pity with friends who are exposed to toxic drugs, you include people who care about others, we are only able to try and ban him, but who can change it only his own self, I sure you will get something good with your own good,

I have experienced same stuff brother!!

Should I tell the principal that my underaged classmates smoke and do illegal drugs during breaktimes?

i'm unfortunately all-too-familiar with the pain of addiction as many close to me have struggled with it

There should be a proper vigilance way to control the drug situation at the high school level, whatever your role always be positive in every matter of life, actually i like your way of expressing, and wanna see more in future, should be follow you and want you to be the same, keep sharing and keep in touch.

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