Ulog #10: My first SG Talk Show (it was great fun)!

in #steemgigs6 years ago

I forgot to take a screenshot of me in the discord voice channel, but hey ho, still had a blast!

The power of a steemit post

This was really a great speech for me, and although I can't compare it to previous ones, I am now well happy to attend them! A huge thanks to @mermaidvampire for telling me about it when it started otherwise I would have never come to hear it. He was talking about how, no matter minnow or whale, you can rank on search engines, and no-one can tell the difference, and often minnows get high up in the results.
Also, because steemit doesn't filter by IP/Location, we can see a whole variety of posts, it doesn't matter how big our virtual wallets are, a whale can easily come along and start talking to you. @surpassinggoogle really motivated me in his speech to keep doing what I do, #a4s (more may be coming soon) as I haven't really received much interest in it, apart from my professional cheerer-upper and steemit best-friend, @mermaidvampire, Who has really supported me ever since my steemit account was created. This also reminded me the value of that comment, $0.00! No, not that value, the value of having an amazing friend on steemit, who has not once doubted me and is supportive and a great friend to me in everything I do. She also is very good for motivating me! Can't thank you enough @mermaidvampire. I never even thought I would make it this far into steemit, knowing whales such as Sir Terry, @surpassinggoogle and other awesome community members such as @johndoer123. The whole steemit community means a lot to me, I never thought I would ever be #ulogging or any of this, I am so glad that these awesome communities, #steemgigs, and all the others I am in are here!


I never thought I would ever listen to another steemian in voice chat (or a party of them)
I even awkwardly introduced myself! Hahahaha!
As I got into it I became less nervous and even cracked a joke!
The singing was awesome too, really enjoyed the after party!

Thanks for reminding me the value of a steemit post and for the motivation, @surpassinggoogle, and thank you to my sbf @mermaidvampire and other steemit friends such as @johndoer123

Stay awesome all!

Who am I? https://snaddyvitch-disepsner.github.io/


About CADawg:

CADawg is Brittish, 16 Years old and wants to become a web developer/programmer.
He currently knows 7 Programming Languages: Visual Basic, Python 2, PHP, HTML, (S)CSS, JavaScript and C++
He wishes to pay for his driving lessons using his earnings from steemit.
He dreams to start his own web development/programming business and travel around the world, exploring all different cultures. CADawg enjoys writing code, mainly in PHP and Python in his free time, as well as playing games.

Check Out: @mermaidvampire

Support SurpassingGoogle

And Vote For SteemGigs as Witness or Click Here and enter steemgigs in the box, or if you want to give him your voting power and decisions, on that same page type in surpassinggoogle in the second box as a proxy.
Support his other brainchild projects like #untalented, #steemgigs and #teardrops.

Thank you!


also i never thought i could make it to rep51 without some goods upvotes from@surpassinggoogle. he has created some challenges and tags which has make me to earn more friends and upvotes.

#rep51club! Hello, thank you for your comment, yeah he is very supportive of the community, looking forwards to maybe becoming friends in the future!

~ @cadawg

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