What Is Bitcoin? | This Is My "Creative " Explanation

in #bitcoin7 years ago

What Is Bitcoin For The Common Man

Bitcoin is basically a software that allows you to send and recieve digits that represent money the same way your online banking and Paypal does when you deposit money. The difference between Bitcoin and Paypal is..Paypal is a corporation that is registered with the US governement. That means that the government can audit and shut down his business if they wanted to. With Bitcoin, no one is in charge and it is operated by independent people that decide to process transactions via their conmputers in exchange for pieces of Bitcoin as payment for doing so. You can create your own bank account that they call a "bitcoin wallet" and transfer Bitcoins to this "account" aka "bitcoin wallet". No one can shut it down because it is not a corporation and is not registered to the US government. Bitcoin can do everything Paypal can do but it has no rules it has to follow because it is operated by multiple random people around the world. You can even sell your Bitcoin on coinbase and have your USD cash transferred  to your paypal account OR bank account. Another big difference is..these coins represent the software like a stock does in the stock market. Difference is, you technically cant pay people in shares of Tesla or Google..but you CAN pay people in fractions of bitcoins and they CAN use a Bitpay Visa Debit Card to spend it on daily expenses like a normal credit card. Yes, you can spend it as it goes up in value :D 


It basically works like a bank of our own but they don't like it because they cant influence the decisions that the Bitcoin community makes. It's like a starfish..you cant cut the head off because it has mutiple legs and they just grow back.

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Was going to do a 'fly by vote' (Christmas present to rap). But deside actually read it. Good stuff (bitpay).

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