My trip to the southwest - beautiful Guizhou 我的西南之行- 醉美贵州 (一)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

These days I collected my photos which were taken in June of the last year . They were taken in GuiZhou , A southwest province in China . After the students finished their school , we have a two –week holiday . I talk about which place we could go to play , and at last , we decided to go to GuiZhou to have a trip . Although the trip was very difficult , but it is exciting and unforgettable .

To tell you the truth, before I went to Guizhou, my impression of Guizhou was that the place was very remote and very poor. But the trip to Guizhou really overturned my previous thoughts. This is a very pure place, retains many original features, far away the noise from the modernization . I was amazed by the beautiful rivers and mountains of our motherland . If you love to travel , my dear friends, it is worth going there .

We booked a trip to Guizhou for10 days . This is really a big and long journey. The first day we went there by plane, stopped in Wuhan and then to Guiyang. When we got off the plane, it was around 4. Look, this is the first day for Guiyang!


The landmark of GuiYang is Jiaxiulou, this is said to have 400 years of history . it has witnessed the vicissitudes of Gui Yang history. It is located on the Nanming River in a boulder - million Ao Shi Ji (this rock resembles the legendary giant AO), twenty-six years before the Ming Dynasty (1598). It is about 20 meters high and has three floors, three eaves and four corners. It is unique in the history of Chinese ancient architecture. The white stone column supporting eaves, carved stone conservation, magnificent . From the top of it , you can see the sights of the city .Fuyu arch bridge across the north and south, under the bridge is a river . At night, the lights were so beautiful that I can’t describe it with my poor words.

See it from far away !



It is built by Guizhou governor Jiang Dongzhi, named "jiaxiulou", meaning talented people were born there.

Near to see Jia Xiulou



These are the words written on the shape of wooden fan .


Jiaxiulou is a rare quiet place in the noisy city . The scenic spots are antique, with high buildings outside the scenic spots. After nightfall brilliantly illuminated, moving shadows, history culture and modern civilization focus. In the modern civilization shine in the light of history, high spirited "show first in the world" spirit, to guide people toward a better future.




At night, our specialty snacks. Unfortunately, no more pictures were left. Everyone was a little tired, and decided to go back and have a good rest for the better second day’s' trip.

Thanks for your reading and hope you like it . Please pay attention to my later post about it.

这几天在家整理照片,看到去年暑假去的贵州,就想把西南之行整理出来跟亲爱的朋友们一起分享,那真是一场难忘之旅。 送走初三毕业生之后,能休息两个星期的时间, 同事们一商量,自己组团找个地方去旅游吧!于是便有了这次的西南贵州之行。 虽然沿途比较辛苦, 但还是觉得非常的值得。

说句心里话, 没去贵州之前, 脑子里对贵州的印象就是那地方很偏僻, 很穷的地方。但是这次贵州之行 确颠覆了我之前的想法。 这是个非常纯净的地方,保留了很多原始风貌,远离现代化的喧嚣与吵闹,让我感叹祖国的大好河山。 热爱旅游的朋友,真的可以去看看。

我们定的是贵州10日之旅, 这真是一场浩大的长途之旅。 第一天乘坐飞机经过武汉到贵阳。下了飞机已经是4点左右了 。 瞧, 这是第一天到贵阳!

贵阳的地标性建筑就是甲秀楼,这个据说有着400 多年的建筑, 见证了贵阳的历史沧桑。它位于南明河中的一块巨石--万鳌头石矶之上(这块石头酷似传说中的巨鳌),始建于明万历二十六年(1598年)。楼高约20米,为三层三檐四角攒尖顶,这种构造在中国古建筑史上都是独一无二的。白石巨柱托檐,雕花石栏相护,华丽宏伟,翘然挺立,烟窗水屿,如在画中。登楼远眺,四周景致,历历在目.浮玉拱桥飞架南北,桥下清流回环,形成涵碧潭。入夜,华灯齐明,楼桥亭台映现其中,楼恍若仙境。


晚上我们的特色小吃 ,可惜没有留下多少照片。 大家有点累了, 为了更好的第二天的旅行,决定回去好好休息


Travel lover,I am a stay-at-home type.gonna go out and socialize more,otherwise I am gonna look like vitalik^^

hope you like ,and don't forget to upvote me !

@bxt such a nice post i also love to to travel around the world and i think i should also visit southwest guizhou, thanks for sharing wonderful experience with me

I enjoy seeing your photos of chinese architecture and cuisine. It makes an interesting post. Keep posting your photos bxt!!

Guizhou looks great and beautiful, definitely doesn't look remote and poor. In fact it's looks well developed while conserving its uniqueness, looks like a great balance to me :) I hope to be able to visit Guizhou one day :)

I will add this city as my holiday destination. I am also curious about the snack

A good place worth to travel , wonderful and i will keep sharing other ones with you .

Its just so beautiful, you know? I bet traveling the world is the best experience one can have honestly. I only saw movies like Bruce Lee with such places, you know hehe.

Very nice post! Thanks for sharing!

@bxt: Great pics. Why it seems to me that its just those cloudy days are the best for the vacations, travel and for photography as well. Now this goes on my list of places to visit. Thanks for sharing.

it is worth seeing , just go !

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