in DTube4 years ago (edited)


1 day after i filmed this video Guatemala went into complete lockdown. My world went into chaos like everyone’s as the country shut down in every way but essential goods and services.
Hearing myself talk in this video about my thoughts at that time..... it seems so far away but its so recent. At that point i thought Corona was an abstract thing... getting closer but still at bay. Haha... its like I’m this naive human unaware that a bowling ball is plummeting at me from above.
Well I’m glad i did this city shopping run... though with hindsight i would have bought less things for making the cafe run...and more staples food items because all cafes had to close. If i could do it over...i would have got even more rice and beans and much less ketchup🤣.... damn hindsight

We have turned into more of a community in the last 2 weeks at Hostel Del Lago.
We make family meals and share cooking duties now. We have curfew at 4 pm.
The days are beautiful and now we are settling into the rhythm and adrenalin is getting reabsorbed .
The president of Guatemala was a Doctor before getting voted in. So the extreme measures he took a few weeks ago while shocking at the time.... in my opinion has really help to contain the virus.
To date there is only 1 death in Guatemala and there have been no new registered cases in 4 days 🤞
Unfortunately Guatemala is surrounded by several countries that chose the lax route. Mexico is currently exploding in cases.
In my little town... we are actively finding all at risk families and making sure they have food. Our staff at the hostel are all on paid home leave.
The key right now is support and service, kindness and resilience. IMHO
Where every you are out there... i hope you are safe and healthy. Let me know what its like where you are... how is your country, town, family...what is your experience?

▶️ DTube

There is youtube link if it doesnt play


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It's a hoax...and you can never have enough Ketchup - that's a scientific fact!

Guatemala annual death rates per 100,000 (reg flu and pneumonia) - 66 people per year
Pop around 17 million. = errr....10x 66 er million = 660 x 17 = errr....11,200 per year.

Kinda makes you think doesn't it?

Whatever this world shutdown is about, CONvirus is just a false flag...

Maybe... but it doesnt take away the reality that transport is stopped, businesses are closed and curfew starts at 4 and people are getting arrested for breaking curfew. false flag or not... this is what we live with here.
I’m relaxed... gardening, spending time with kids. But i have that luxury currently... most here do not and are very afraid because the idea of having savings doesn't really exist.

I agree - it's a monumental fuck up.

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