Is Steemit Truly Uncensored? It Depends on Who You Ask!

in #story7 years ago


On the surface, Steemit appears to be a hero for free speech advocates. Finally, we have a network that allows anyone to share content, so long as that content does not run afoul of local and international laws. This has triggered a huge migration from mainstream channels like YouTube onto the Steemit network.

But dig a little deeper and you will find that not everything is as advertised. While the vast majority of Steemit users will find no issue with the platform, the architecture that enables anyone to flag or downvote content facilitates de-facto censorship.

The Steemit originators envisioned that "the people" would self-police their own. As noble as that experiment was, however, it has actual drawbacks. Many people, including myself, have triggered downvotes for completely arbitrary or even discriminatory reasons.

It certainly runs counter to the initial hopes of an open source network. Instead of centralized censorship, we now have decentralized authoritarianism. Thus, your content is unlikely to be censored so long as your opinions reflect the majority Steemian consensus.

But what is that consensus?


Thank you for the informative post!

Thanks, I try my best!

Nice to see a video from you.BTW Love the bullfrogs.. A nice change to my roosters!

Thank you, there's going to be more on the way...I just need to stop being so lazy! :)

And yup, anything with bull... bullfrogs, bullish, bullshit...fits me like a T! :)

nice vlog @bullishmoney right on the point!
can't wait for more of your vlogs 😄

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Hmmmmm...... I tried to watch your video, but a message keeps coming up saying, "An error has occurred. Please try again later". Even after refreshing....

Is this a "Dell thing?" Because no one else has any problems! :)

Thanks for sharing, I think steemit is cool for being pioneering the attention market, but by no means is it decentralized or the be all, end all of social networks with monetary incentives.

I agree that it's not "decentralized" in the actualization of the word...I mean, yes, theoretically it is, but in practice, it's the centralization of decentralized individuals, if that makes any sense! :)

So that means people will downvote or flag you if they dont agree with your views. Not a very

Yup, it unfortunately happens more times than people would care to admit.

Any way its by far better than any centralized network
The people's opinion can be changed and is not subject to be taken by military power or police coercion
Its true democray by all its good and bad sides

Yes, I can see why you believe that, and it's true...until you get penalized for completely arbitrary reasons. Then, it's not so fun anymore.

I feel the same.Thank y

I am watching your vid right now. I have seen the flagging multiple times. Someone was even flagged so many times that the reputation score was minus something.

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