Why Don't We Have Environmentally Friendly, Continuous, Electrical Energy?

Powered By Electricity

We do not need some super advanced alien race to come and give us free energy.
In fact, that is a no-no. Free energy devices will not be allowed on Earth until no one here will use it for war.

And... really, do not think about trying to subvert this rule... not because some alien military force will come down and break down your door, or your house, or wipe out the state you live in. No, it will just not work. They will know what you are doing at the earliest moment, and basically, you will be acquiring a hunk of metal that does nothing, and gives no knowledge of how it might have worked.

However, we do not need such a device yet. We have lots of energy sources that could easily power our communities, completely green.

And yes, i have watched some shady forces put a stop to every single one of them.

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Solar Power Shenanigans:

There was a govern-cement program in the 50s that developed working solar power... and then disappeared

There was a govern-cement program in the 70s where they worked out everything and were going to use Fresnel Lenses to focus the suns rays... and the funding disappeared. As in, it was just gone.

Solar Two, wikipedia commons

In the 90s the govern-cement spent a lot of money for solar one and solar two. Solar one was a trough mirror focussing setup. Solar two had a bunch of mirrors that pointed at a tower melting salt that would be used to boil steam. Solar two was never put online, and just used for stupid tests from university students. Recently it was torn down.

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Tidal Power Shenanigans

All these coastal cities... and we make power hundreds of miles away and transport it to them with vast lengths of wire. And why? There is the ocean and waves constantly impacting the shoreline.

However, whenever someone talks about building a tidal power system it is allowed to test things, but never to implement them. Greenpeace suddenly shows up and says, do not destroy the view of our shoreline! Or, we have to protect this brine shrimp! (one of a million species of tiny, tiny crustaceans) And they get the project shut down.

(Where was green peace when they clear cut the forest right next to their international office? Well, they weren't paid to "protect" that one)

With tidal power, we have just never created anything big enough to actually work at scale.
All we need to do is create a giant paddle wheel. About the size of a Ferris Wheel. We could probably even put a Ferris Wheel right next to it so you really do not see it.

Then we would have continuous power, day and night.
And, during storms, when you need more power for heating and lights, well, you would get more power.

However, i have seen plans for these back in 1970s-80s Popular Mechanics and Popular Science, but they always got shot down. Never allowed to exist.

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Geothermal Power Shenanigans.

Throughout The US, every site where you could easily produce electricity from boiling water from ground heat... the govern-cement controls it and will not allow any experimentation to go on without their approval.

One story i heard: A guy who likes working with and showing off Tesla Turbines was part of a group that wanted to see if it would work well for generating electricity from one such hot spot. So, the "scientists" from there took his turbine, left, came back and said it didn't work. I mean, really? Didn't get to help, to watch, to get the data stream????

Really, if Yosemite is ready to blow, don't you think it would be job one to tap some of that heat from the place and drain it? I guess not, plant food (CO2) seems to be far more vitally important to save the world.

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So, we are left with shitty efficiency solar-voltaic panels or really shitty, won't ever pay for itself, wind turbines.
This is what the shadowy cabal has left us with.

And then, the mother WEFers are pushing nuclear power. The most environmentally destructive, most dangerous, steam kettle we have ever devised.

If i was conspiracy minded, i would state emphatically that there is a group of people that are hell bent on keeping us in the dark ages.

And i do not know how to overcome this.
Probably with some huge media campaign showing that this would work and provide electricity, and then build one in the open (that will get sabotaged) and one in secret and spring it on the world.
Videoing every step of the way, so that the world can see the what is happening and notice when things get shut down and by who.

It is time to take back our world.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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