America, The Bloody Battleground. Thinkers VS Feelers.

We have entered the time when all will turn against us. - Paul Atreides

The war of the feelers vs the thinkers is already getting bloody.

We, in The US have two political parties, that are basically divided on the lines of feelers and thinkers. And due to a lot of propaganda, 12 + 4 years worth, the feelers feel that they are an oppressed class. And they want restitution.

Unfortunately, to all the thinkers, they see it as, "well, that is just life".

  • There are bullies. They bully people, deal with it.
  • There used to be slaves. There aren't any now.
  • Govern-cement money is stolen from us people, there is not an infinite amount to give out.

So, these thinkers see and correctly analyze the situation.
That the feelers are crying over something that goes against natural laws.

Unfortunately, the feelers are all feeling. There is no logic or reason.

  • We have to put a stop to bullies. (although, they haven't put forward any way of doing that)
  • We have to give restitution to the slaves, and oppress those who slaved so it doesn't happen again. (although there are no slaves, and haven't been any for generations)
  • We have to help the poor, and the homeless, and the immigrants. (it doesn't matter where the money comes from)

There is no reasoning with these feelers.
They are sure that the facts they were propagandized with are true.
And they know their feelings are true.

- - - - - - -

The thinkers are mostly ignoring the feelers, well, because facts.

The thinkers feel that the feelers will encounter reality and learn.
But this is not the case. What happens when feelers encounter reality is that they double down. And they continue to double down until they break down, and only then, start begrudgingly accepting facts.

So, we are at a dangerous place in time.

What is about to happen is that the feelers are going to continue to attack. At some point they will have actually start inflicting pain that is no longer ignorable. Still, the thinkers will try to think about it. They will try to talk about it. But, at that point, the feelers have already doubled down, and there is nothing to talk about.

The thinkers problem is that they cannot conceive of this as a fight. You can't fight with facts. "Feelers, grow up".

The feelers are getting more and more upset, because they are being ignored, and there isn't already radical, omnipresent change. In fact, there is no change that would appease them, because they are arguing against reality.

There will always be poor and homeless people, at least until everyone grows up and learns how to create wealth and build homes for themselves.

But the feelers will rail against these "injustices" with all of their might.
And while the have the MSM egging them on, they will continue to fight the "good fight"

And they will destroy everything in their way. Even if it is their own home. They will burn it to the ground to show their discontent.

- - - - - - -

What is most likely to happen is that america breaks up into pieces.
The pacific north-west will break away first. All of the liberal cities will think that they don't need america. They are stupid and mean. Besides, he is not "our president".

The feelers, led to believe that all the economic activity happens because of them. Just look at a map, all of the economic prosperity happens where all the neo-liberals are. They just do not realize that the prosperity happens because of the ports and the cities surrounding them. And then, the neo-liberals, attracted to the prosperity showed up. But, they were never taught this.

Once one feeler group breaks away, then others will as well. America will be just the fly-over states.

So, what happens when one group has all the food production and the other group has all of the shipping? Well, without really old technology coming back online, the feeler "countries" will be sorely lacking for things like coal, food, electricity, even water. Fortunately for them, these can be made unnecessary with the ocean, unfortunately, they are the major blockage to getting it done.

This isn't going to end well because of one thing. Although we have engaged in commerce for generations between these areas, once they sever, the feelers will consider the others the enemy. The thinkers may consider the feelers as enemies by this time, but will be pragmatic about trade. So, which will trump what? Feeler's feelings or feeler's stomachs?

- - - - - - -

This all ends badly for the feelers.

There is nothing outside of you that can truly make you happy.
And thus, shouting at the world to make you happy, will never succeed.

The feelers will destroy society. They will destroy the cohesion of groups. They will probably destroy infrastructure, and with that gone, will have destroyed their way of life.

And when they are cold and hungry, they may come to their senses,
but, more likely, they will go insane and become as animals. Looking for food anywhere. Taking and stealing whatever they find. Cats, dogs and pigeons are all food.

I don't really know how this is going to play out. The thinkers still aren't taking the feelers seriously.

Which side will the army fall on? The navy will probably side with the thinkers, but all the ports will be owned by the feelers...

Further, the group behind the scenes, T.H.E.Y. are looking to increase the chaos and life loss. T.H.E.Y. already control the feelers. But what of the thinkers? T.H.E.Y. think they will control them because they have bought up all the big farms... but those farms are about to turn into dust. And control is about to be disrupted.

Get out of the cities.

- - - - - - -

All images in this post are my own original creations.


While I agree with the premise of your article, that the USA, and western society in general, is divided amongst thinkers and feelers, I take issue with one of your first statements. You say that the political parties are roughly divided in this way as well, but that's not what I've noticed. I've lived on both sides of the tracks, west vs. east, rural vs. urban, liberal vs. conservative, rich vs. poor. This is just anecdotal here, but I think my observations are closer to reality than not, and I see an equal representation of "the feels" in all of these groups.

Now, when it comes to mainstream political rhetoric, I'd have to agree that one political party behaves more rationally than the other, especially recently, but policy-wise, there's very little difference between the two parties. This is because the people who vote for them, on both sides, are mostly irrational, basing their decisions on feelings they get rather than going with facts, even about the policies of the people they vote for. They turn a blind eye to the actions, and focus only on the words. The politicians basically just do whatever is in their own best interests for the most part, which is to say that they are bought and paid for, which sheds light on why they are indistinguishable from each other in actual policy. Unfortunately with most people, the heart decides and the mind only rationalizes.

There is, of course, no correlation between the political parties rhetoric and what T.H.E.Y. do.
The political parties are owned by same group of people.
It doesn't matter who you vote for. T.H.E.Y. will inch toward totalitarianism.
(it is why i never used the words Republicrats or Demicrons in this article)

So, i only speak of the rhetoric of what the party people speak of.
Which is almost always what the guy on TV says.

It is not that the feelers don't think, or the thinkers don't feel.
The feelers shout we have to help the poor (meaning govern-cement should provide).
The thinkers shout we can't afford it.
(both are correct)

The feelers feel that the thinkers are being cruel and uncaring.
The thinkers think that the feelers are idiots who can't see reality.

BTW, a solution is not in either of their lexicons. (by design)

Punch vs Judy - both puppets have lord rotchilds hands up their sphincters - two sides is just an illusion...

This is absolute truth, but it doesn't stop NPCs from attacking people with MAGA hats.

It is that violence that is spurred by the MSM false bi-polar narrative that i fear.
Real people, doing real stupid things, because they believe that line about Punch being at Judy's throat.

The thinkers feel that the feelers will encounter reality and learn.
But this is not the case. What happens when feelers encounter reality is that they double down

Ain't that the truth...

Yep, but thinkers have problems of their own. Thinkers think they are thinking correctly, and so are much slower to change when something much better comes along.

...Think through your heart filter , and feel through your head filter..

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