Gypsum. / Sádra.

in #cesky6 years ago

Projížděl zasněženou krajinou. Pod paprsky slunce sníh jiskřil široko daleko. Zrovna projížděl kolem pohádkově namrzlých stromů. Zalitoval, že nemá sebou fotoaparát ani mobil.

Tuhle zimu si už asi radovánek na sněhu neužije. Včera dostal sádru na koleno. Předevčírem si vykloubil koleno na sněhovém můstku. Moc si povolil lankové vázání. Při doskoku se mu lanko vysmeklo ze zajišťovacích zobáčků a neštěstí bylo na světě. Na pády byl zvyklý, ale tentokrát se mu noha nějak divně poskládala pod tělo. Zaúpěl bolestí. Chvíli mu trvalo než se zvedl. Koleno bolelo jako čert. Ani nevěděl proč, ale přiložil si na koleno ruce zprava i zleva. Bolest polevila. Opatrně se posadil a chvíli si držel dlaně na koleně. Bolest polevila ještě ví. Dalo by se říci, že pomalu mizela. Byl sám uprostřed pole asi kilometr od domova. Znovu se opatrně zvedl, připnul si lyže a pomalým posouváním se vydal k domovu.
„Co jsi vyváděl?“, byla první otázka mamky, když ho spatřila, jak se belhá do schodů.
„Trochu jsem spadl, ale už je to lepší“, srdnatě zalhal.
„To mi nevykládej. Ukaž, podívám se na to.“
Sundal šusťáky a tepláky. Koleno slušně promodralo a zvětšilo dvojnásobně svou velikost.
„Drž a neječ“, spražila ho mamka, když mu opatrným dotekem prohmatávala oteklé koleno ve snaze ho trochu srovnat. „To bude chtít doktora. Dám ti na to octan a ráno jedeme k doktorovi.“
Jak řekla, tak udělala. V noci se moc nevyspal. Nevěděl, jak si položit nohu, aby to pochroumané koleno tak nebolelo.
Na druhý den dobelhal na autobus a jeli k doktorovi. „Lyže?“, zeptal se doktor, když vstoupili do ordinace. „Ano, sněhový můstek“, odpověděl.
„Jak jste sem přišli?“, byla další doktorova otázka.
„Autobusem a pěšky“, odpověděla mamka.
„Tak to zlomené nebude“, odtušil doktor. Prohlédl si jeho promodralé koleno, trochu s ním zacvičil a bez rentgenu stanovil diagnozu. „To bude jen krevní výron a natažené vazy. Tři týdny v sádře to spraví. Sestro, budeme sádrovat!“ Udělali mu sádru od kotníku skoro po zadek. Musel hodinu čekat, než sádra pořádně zatuhne. „Může pro vás někdo přijet, nebo mám objednat sanitku?“, zeptal se doktor, když byla sádra skoro tuhá. „Všichni jsou v práci, takže asi tu sanitku“, odtušila mamka.
„Tři dny v naprostém klidu a pak může do školy“, byla poslední doktorova slova, když opouštěli ordinaci.
Seděl v kuchyni u okna. Sluncem ozářený sníh svítil milionem jiskřiček. Tuhle zimu se už na lyže nedostane.

Vystoupil z auta. Trochu mu ujela noha na zledovatělé vrstvě sněhu. Okamžitě pocítil varovné píchnutí v koleni. Památka na dětství. V zimě dávalo „uražené“ koleno o sobě více vědět.

Google translate from Czech.
He traveled through the snowy landscape. Under the rays of the sun the snow sparkled far away. He just ran around the fairy-frozen trees. He wished he did not have a camera or a cell phone.

This winter is not gonna be a pleasure in the snow. Yesterday he got the plaster on his knee. Early in the morning, he knocked his knee on the snowbath. He allowed the cable tie. At the jump, the rope pulled out of the locks and the misfortune was in the world. He was accustomed to fall, but this time his leg was strangely folded under his body. He suffered with pain. It took him a while to rise. The knee was hurt like a devil. He did not know why, but he put his hands on his knees from right to left. The pain subsided. Carefully he sat down and held his palms on his knees for a moment. Pain relieved still knows. It could be said that she was slowly dying. He was alone in the middle of the field about a kilometer from home. He picked himself up again, pinched his skis, and moved slowly to his home.
"What did you do?" Was the first question of my mom when she saw him climb the stairs.
"I fell a little, but it's better," he lied in earnest.
"Do not tell me. Show me, I'll look at it. "
He pulled off his shorts and sweatpants. The knees fairly marooned and doubled their size.
"Hold and do not go," Mother had done it, as if his swollen knuckle tossed him with a cautious touch, trying to straighten him a little. "It will want a doctor. I'll give you an octane, and we'll go to the doctor in the morning. "
As she said, she did. He did not sleep very much at night. He did not know how to lay his foot so that the crooked knee did not hurt.
The next day he took the bus and went to the doctor. "Ski?" The doctor asked as they entered the surgery. "Yes, the snow bridge," he replied.
"How did you come here?" Was another doctor's question.
"By bus and on foot," Mom replied.
"It will not be broken," the doctor replied. He examined his bluish knee, practiced a little with him, and made a diagnosis without X-rays. "It will be just blood splatter and stretched ligaments. Three weeks in a cast will do it. Sister, we'll be casting! "They made plaster from his ankle almost over his butt. He had to wait an hour for the plaster to get wet. "Can someone come or do I order an ambulance?" The doctor asked when the plaster was almost stiff. "Everybody's at work, so I guess the ambulance," Mother said.
"Three days in complete peace and then going to school" was the last doctor's words when they left office.
He sat in the kitchen by the window. The sun-lit snow shone with a million sparks. This winter will not get on the skis.

He stepped out of the car. His foot slipped slightly on the icy snow cover. He immediately felt a knee-jerk. Childhood memorial. In the winter, the "offended" knee gave him more to know.


This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @sbi-booster.

Aches and pains from falls may not break the bones but may hurt going through every winter from here on into life.

Well written story telling @bucipuci love the snow photography

Thanks for the compliment. Snow is scarce for you. In our country we love the photos of the forest and the sea ;-)

Man I wish I had a meme to show you how happy this made me

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