The Pursuit Of Happiness

in #life7 years ago (edited)


When you look back, it is easy to see your mistakes and we feel like we could have prevented it.  It seem so obvious to us and we would wonder why we didn’t correct it. But it is never so easy to see the flaws in the path we travel until it is too late. Blinded are we to the reality of the present and, most importantly, of our future. Even when you feel that something is wrong in what we are doing, we seem to overlook it; we seem to ignore it. Many a danger it can lead to. As said in movies, “Be mind full of your thoughts or they will betray you”. I find it most correct. The mind always seem susceptible to do the wrong and the tempting.  Sometimes it is clouded and can’t see love and lust apart and can’t see what is there and what is not.

Sometimes it is jealously that misleads us, sometimes it is greed, sometimes love and many other matters. When people around you prosper and you are left to eat dust, it can be the worst for us. When the crowd gives you no respect and gives it in ample to your kith and kin, that too can put our sprits down. Inequality is the root of many problems and here also it plays a big part. But why do we have to be judged by others, why can’t we be the judge of ourselves?  Is it not enough that we are happy with ourselves?  If someone tells you that you are not tall enough or good enough or anything; why should you care to be measured by that person? Is he God to measure us?

No one is made perfect in this word. More over each and every person in this world have a gift given to them. He or she may not realize it but I feel this to be very true. But very often we are distracted by the talent of others and fail trying to imitate them. Most importantly they fail to realize and respect the talents they have. Within lies you the world and you can gain all that you want from that. Discover what is given to you, have a good heart and work hard and let other people also discover their hidden unique talent and happiness shall come after you. You really needn't pursue happiness. It is within us and the moment you realize that; happiness will come to pursue you. 

Source: From my own blog

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