UNICEF is going to finance start-up blocking start-ups

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Fond OON pomoshchi detyam (UNICEF) gotov finansirovat' blokcheyn-startapy, kotoryye mogut pomoch' detyam na vsey planete.

Kompaniya zayavila, chto gotova predostavit' $50,000–90,000 investitsiy molodym startapam, rabotayushchim nad resheniyami v oblasti blokcheyna, smartkontraktov, tokenov ili mayninga.

V zayavlenii skazano:

«My ishchem proyekty, kotoryye rabotayut s raspredelennymi reyestrami, mogut svershit' proryv i primenyat'sya vo vsem mire.

Eto posledniy shag Investitsionnogo fonda UNICEF dlya podderzhki primeneniya tekhnologii blokcheyn v interesakh chelovechestva.

The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) is ready to finance block-start-ups that can help children around the world.

The company said that it is ready to provide $ 50,000-90,000 investment to young start-ups working on solutions in the field of blocking, smart contracts, tokens or mining.

The statement says:

"We are looking for projects that work with distributed registries, can make a breakthrough and apply all over the world.

This is the last step of the UNICEF Investment Fund to support the use of blockade technology in the interests of humanity.
The organization offers not only monetary, but also technical assistance in the development of projects. UNICEF will provide a platform for data exchange and will become a mentor on the development of the business strategy.

CoinDesk already reported that UNICEF invested in the South African blockbuster start-up in 2016, during a large-scale initiative to promote technology.

Chris Fabian, head of the Innovation Division of UNICEF said:

"I believe that very soon we will use the block system and distributed registries for various purposes, including for operational tasks."

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