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RE: Batman Takes on A New God : A Review of Batman #56

in #comics6 years ago

Great write up! I’m still not keeping up on King’s run, I’m working my way through acquiring & reading Snyder’s! You make a compelling case to check it out for sure!


thanks! It's kind of hit or miss, as I'm sure you've read elsewhere. He can make the most intense Batman to ever grace the printed page in some issues, then seems to get lost in others. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, however, and sticking with it. It's Batman, after all. Thanks again for the feedback! Much appreciated.

I’ve read a couple issues here & there and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it overall. Some stuff that I know certain folks considered boring (like Catwoman & Joker chatting & bleeding out for a whole issue) I was still able to pick up in isolation, read & enjoy.

How far along are you in the Snyder stuff? Have you been picking up issues or the TPBs? I've been debating on spending the money for issue #1 of his run, in hopes of it becoming a long term collector's item. Little pricey, however, but it might be worth it.

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