Biden Trash, Warren Trash, Sanders can win?

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

So who won tonight’s democratic debate? It’s hard to choose one because it seems like 100 people are running and you barely get enough time to hear each one of these people. The Democrats did a great job tonight of more Trump bashing but, did very little to help their case of winning the whitehouse in my opinion. From what I see, Trump wins this election so easy and he’s gonna win bigly. More secret recordings from a CNN whistleblower and Project Veritas are coming down the pipeline and it’s gonna get ugly for sure.
I could never bring myself to vote for any Democratic nomination in today’s political landscape but, I must admit I would have been a Democrat in the 1960’s if I were alive but the party has shifted way to far left and corrupt to even consider it. The Clintons and Obama’s have set this party back several years and I see no possible way they can overcome it. They know Trump will win and that’s exactly why they have fabricated a dozen stories to try and impeach him. Hell, they were trying to impeach him before he even sat down in the Oval Office. Nothing has worked and nothing is gonna work. If you believe they will be able to remove Trump from office, the main stream media has brainwashed you so bad you don’t even realize what’s happened to you.
The main stream media (all of em...including Fox) is full of lies, half truths , deceit and corruption that it is impossible for Americans who don’t have the time to research in the alternative media areas to know who they should vote for. There are so many dumb people in this world and they are so easily tricked by the Liberal left and news media trying to make money instead of fair journalism. Disgraceful.

I hate that our country has gotten to this point but I’m ready for the stock market to crash, banks to fail, the dollar to crash and gold to soar. I’m also ready to see political talking heads litteraly being dragged through the streets like they did to a mayor in Mexico last week. These people take advantage of America and continually spit on the constitution like it’s a document that no longer serves any purpose for the masses. The Patriots protecting this document are ready for a fight so if they want civil unrest I think they will eventually get it.

If I had to pick one, I would say Tulsi Gabbard won the debate but even she is nothing to be impressed by or even a threat to take down Trump at this point. Much could still develop in the coming months so pay attention but, one thing is FOR SURE.....believe 1/3 of what you hear, 1/10 of what you read and take the time to learn the facts for yourself. The info is hard to find but it is out there if your willing to dig and do reaserch. If your not gonna research, just turn the TV off (cut the cord) and tune in here and I’ll tell you who to vote for. It will be 100x better information than CNN, ABC and the rest of the dumpster juice news media.
Below is a small exit poll of votes published by the Drudge Report. (Which you also can’t trust)🧚🏿‍♀️🧚🏿‍♀️🧚🏿‍♀️



YANG20%13,030 votes

WARREN7%4,557 votes

STEYER3%2,124 votes

SANDERS4%2,416 votes

O'ROURKE2%1,322 votes

KLOBUCHAR6%4,175 votes

HARRIS1%655 votes

GABBARD40%25,425 votes

CASTRO1%601 votes

BUTTIGIEG8%5,349 votes

BOOKER1%802 votes

BIDEN6%3,883 votes


I couldn't watch. Not a single candidate has a chance against Trump. Castro was our mayor and a douchebag. Beto is a wannabe Mexican. Handsy Joe is a pervert. Warren thinks she's of Indian decent. Bernie will give away your money, while he keeps his multi-million dollar houses. Harris doesn't know what the Presidents job entails. And I can't remember the others because they don't matter. Democrats are still praying that Clinton, Oprah, Ellen, or Michelle will enter the race. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

i am Heartly support Republican cause its all leader have a some good characteristics and so wise to lead country. Democratic so crazy and silly i think. We already seen trump, he is not prepared in this place but uts unfortunately became,upcoming election will be win my beloved party Republican i believe it sir @broncnutz what you think in my opinion??

Thanks sir for sharing this valuable debate,i like also doing logical debate all time.

Look my vlog sir

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Creepy Joe is a liar and makes Trump look like a gentleman.

Warren has unresolved mental problems and no reasonable economic policy. I want to see him pick AOC as his running mate, lol.

They'll never win, but Harris, Beto and Klobucher are the only ones who are not promising to bankrupt the country as fast as possible with senseless policy.

The rest have no chance and some of them think it's a Mexican election.

Sanders should definitely drop out for health reasons and has no reasonable policy.

Not an American, but I agree with everything you just said. I even have my fellow Canadians who still think Trump is an inch away from getting impeached. 🤣😂😆

The only thing that I can see sinking Trump is a big recession. These Dumbocrats sure as in the hell can’t do it!

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Man, its pathetic the dem's are so far off in crazy land I'm not sure if they can recover ? I actually worry ,because we do need another side that is somewhat coherent to keep the other side straight and narrow. I don' know what to say. 2020 is going to be the ugliest time in American politics EVER.

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