Anarchapulco 2018 Day 5.....Bitcoin shook the ground! (7.2 Earthquake)

in #anarchapulco7 years ago

Today we experienced an earthquake that took place in Mexico City about 200 miles from here. It moved EVERYTHING where we were and I cant even imagine what it was like at ground zero. My thoughts and prayers go out to the people in Mexico City, I am sure this was a very scary time and lives have already been lost from this.


Dang that's crazy! I wouldn't have known what to do either. Have fun on your tour of Acapulco cuz!

Wow, never been in an earthquake being from the midwest. I wouldn't have known what to do either. That's scary man.

Glad you are safe and the earthquake did not affect your area. Its best to get under something solid during an earthquake like a heavy table or in a doorway. I think running out of the building could be initially dangerous if windows or elements from the facade start falling down. Hope the rest of the days are better. Glad you are enjoying Acapulco... its a magical place... I visited there when I was a kid.

Enjoy your sightseeing and have fun. Hope the after shocks aren’t big.

In the year 2015 we experienced a mignitude 7.8 earthquake very very close to the city i live in that is Kathmandu and i am from nepal. More than 1000 people died many of which we knew,we were lucky to have survived it. The transport,electricity,stores,connection everything was down and it was hard to get by and the aftershocks were really big and days later again we had a 7.3 earthquake. People were scared and we have a big family and the most houses here are not earthquake resistant so we had to live in fear everyday cause the aftershocks were really big and scary too. The schools and offices were all closed for months and many historical and world heritage sites were destroyed and even banks were closed . It was the most hard time for i know how it feels and i pray that everything will be ok.

Hope you had a great time and its sad that many of the conference were cancelled but you still have next year to look forward to.

Its hard to imagine how powerful an earthquake is until your standing there and feel one.

Yeah and the floor and everything seems to be moving like water like you have mentioned in your video. I hope no one ever goes through such a horrible experience.

I like your work dear
You and analyst @salahuddin2004 are two top analysts of cryptoworld.

I am glad you are ok! That would be crazy to experience. I hope the folks closer to epicenter are ok.

Dang Bro... An earthquake?! Glad your having a great time!!

Earthquakes and natural disasters are good for gold. That means are also good for crypto. God's plans are above individuals for a reason. Good luck

I'm from Texas, but was a very young man in the California Bay Area during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, pretty close to the epicenter. I was waiting for the World Series game to start between the A's and the Giants when the earthquake hit.

I also did not know how to respond when my apartment building started to rock back and forth during the earthquake, which of course the buildings are designed to do. I didn't know what to do so I just got on my bed and started praying. The quake only lasted about 15 seconds or so, but it seemed like an eternity. I was afraid the building was going to tip over and fall and I was on the third floor. The next day apartment workers came in and posted stickers instructing people on what to do in the event of an earthquake. It was helpful information because the aftershocks lasted several days and some were fairly powerful.

I don't like earthquakes because there's no way to prepare for them, unlike things like hurricanes.

Be safe while you're in Mexico. When you return home, I hope some of your upcoming videos cover the highlights of what you learned at the conference.

7.2 earthquake , it's high rated . May be all good . Nice video

I experienced earthquake once, like 20 years ago when I was 12 years old. Maybe it is weird, but afterwards I went back to bed and continued watching TV:).

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