
in #change7 years ago

(By Vic Buaquen)
Wherever we look, change is happening and even seems to be accelerating. From within our personal selves on to everything else outward from us, shift and change are evident. Our collective human institutions, social, economic, political and all other concerns are changing and evolving. Our planet earth, mother Gaia, herself is undergoing many changes too. Even our own solar system and galaxy is now traversing a part of the universe where they have not been before such that unknown forces and influences are actively impacting them as well. Do you feel or sense such changes? If not, it is because you have the free will to accept, disregard or deny them. Nonetheless nothing perceptible to us remains the same.
Perhaps one solid and undeniable proof that everything is no longer business as usual, that the old is passing away and being replaced by a new and different reality, is the ongoing change of the earth's heartbeat, scientifically referred to as the schumann resonance (SR). The schumann resonance is the prevailing environmental frequency of our immediate atmosphere, from ground level to 60 miles up into the air. It measures an average of 7.8 cycles per second. For thousands of years, it has remained stable such that it became a constant parameter even in our scientific calculations and other concerns. Biological life on earth has thrived with it and even astronauts have to have SR in their spacecraft to survive in outer space. In 1980, SR started to rise albeit slowly but progressively through the latest readings. By 2014 it has increased to 16.5 cycles per second and it reached 36 by January this year. It appears that the “old” normal rate of 7.8 cps is gone and not likely to ever return.
One confounding development that further indicates massive changes of our reality is the continuing but largely hidden drama in Antartica. The more powerful and lead nations of the world today are scrambling to retrieve artifacts and technology of advanced ancient civilizations buried under ice in Antartica. Among those retrieved are biological remains of 12 to 14 feet tall pre-Adamite humanoid beings with elongated skulls whose DNA proved to be not human. Also found were different and varied humanoid remains that apparently were products of some genetic experiment. Scientific researchers, reportedly, have been allowed to look and study the findings in Antartica since the year 2002. Mention was also made of a huge 3 miles long spacecraft also buried in the ice.
These go to show that there is so much that we don't know about reality and even as to who or what we are.
The CHANGE that we are discussing herein is fact and is best for us to embrace and welcome as necessary for our further growth and development. As many would say, let’s stay on the flow on this?


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