Transcending Mondays
Did you know that most heart attacks happen on Monday mornings? Mondays have a certain energy about them. You can feel the dread and "responsibility" in the air. It's palpable even to me, who can do whatever I want on a Monday. In fact, I'm going to lunch with one of my best friends today, and I have a visit with my Chiropractor later in the afternoon. But I wasn't always free on Mondays.
When I was a little girl, (I abhorred school.) I used to look at the birds and the squirrels on my way to school and wonder why they had freedom to move about and do whatever they wanted, but as humans we didn't own our time, and we had to do certain things even if we didn't want to. And I wondered why Tuesdays felt so different from Saturdays and why on Tuesdays I had to do something I hated and on Saturdays I was free. I longed for all of my days to feel the same. It seemed to me I should be free every day.
No one ever gets to do absolutely nothing they don't like, but it sure can become better for us. And as adults we learn tools to better deal with life and make it something really enjoyable. We even learn that we can deal better with tasks we don't like, or even enjoy them.
And that's what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about wholeness and totality. We're the tellers of our own stories, and we get to decide the quality of each of our activities. We have power over our attitudes and our intent.
Instead of going mindlessly into your Monday and doing your hum drum routine, you can choose an adventure. Even if you're working in a cubicle doing data entry you can choose an entirely different quality to your day.
With every single action you take today, you can create a new intention for it. Here's an example: Matt Kahn sets intentions like, "with every bite of my dinner, may every human be fed and nourished." "With every step across this street, may every human be healed." With your intention, you can have some fun with your day and add a whole new dimension.
Your inner being is never bored with what you're doing.
To the infinite you, every part of your life is massive expansion and learning and growth. Usually when doing something like data entry that we don't enjoy we mentally check out. If you go all the way into what you're doing and connect with the totality of your being along with your "higher self," then you'll connect to and feel that sense of adventure.
You're going to have a great Monday.
Old habits die hard. If you'll let your habit of not being total in everything you do slowly slip away, you're on for an exciting and fulfilling life. Your totality will see to it that you do well and enjoy what you do and will also ensure that you're always on the path of finding and creating a more and more fulfilling life.
Don't get caught up in hopelessness and despair and boredom. Do your absolute best with what's before you, and your life will transform into something magnificent and exciting.
Mondays are a social construct.
They're not "real." Not in the big scheme of things, anyway. All it takes to transcend them and transcend a sense of a boring life is your remembrance that you're infinite and connecting with your totality. You're never a slave to Mondays. You're never a slave to anything. You have total control over your experience. This is how you transform your life into what's best for you.
No matter who you are and where you live, and where you work, and how much debt you're in, life is magical.
If you'll set the intent to be fulfilled in your life, (not a soft hope) I promise you fulfillment. The fulfillment will start now and not later. You have the energy of all of creation at your fingertips to totally enjoy now and create scenarios around you that are totally enjoying.
As an infinite being, you're prisoner to no job, no boss, no debt. You are free. Live like it. The universe supports you in all that you do. It supports you in your story of slavery, and it supports you in your intent for liberation and fulfillment. The energy that creates worlds is at your fingertips.
Related Reading: What is Right? Choosing to look for what's right instead of what's wrong*
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Really life is nice post
It is always a question of perception. I look forward to Sundays (in israel it is the first day of the week) becuse I find happiness and joy in dealing with problems.
Thank you for the positive vibrations and totality in your explanation
In Israel Sunday is the day you go back to work? So Friday and Saturday are your weekend?
Thank you for your kind words about my work!
Yes, Friday and Saturday are the days off.
I really like your content , I think some spiritual perspective is necessary for a happy life.
Are you familiar with the works of David Hawkins?
I'm really glad you like my content. I put a lot of energy into it, and it's the manifestation of a ton of life experience and growth and healing and thinking.
Yes! I've only listened to the audio of the levels of consciousness, but it has impacted me a lot.
His Idea of letting go is a big life changer, It shifted my perpective. I really encourage you to check it out. And of course thank you for sharing