Briggsy's Quotes to Keep You Grounded #7
"Understand where it is you want to go.
Then picture yourself there.
If you can picture yourself there, then you can be there.
Bottom line."
-Cyndi Lauper
(I'm sure she's had fun with everyone spelling her name wrong 😄)
My Take: It sounds simple. I'm at point A, but I want to go to point B. If I familiarize myself with point B, I will be more comfortable with being at point B, and it will be easy.
But for me the quote has more depth.
There are numerous quotes like "the clothes make the man/woman" or "first impressions are the most lasting." They point toward the same concept in my mind, but from their own angle.
Let's take Steemit for example. Imagine you have a huge following, and you have lots of steem power, and you're opinion really makes a difference and gets shared a lot. How did you get there? Would you keep that position by sh#tposting and/or spamming comments with upvote begging, hollow replies and self promotion? Then logically, you will never reach that point of being a respected whale on Steemit by sh#tposting, spamming comments and shameless attention whoring.
And the above example, while simple, illustrates perfectly how that getting to point B requires you to put yourself in that position, imagine all the ways in which you could lose it and end up back at point A, or even worse. By seeing the path that could lead to losing point B, you see in reverse the path you must take to get to point B from Point A, and to remain at point B if that's where you want to Be. I have a pile of quotes I could use to really drive this home, but I'll save them for a future post.
As always, good luck, good wealth and good health to all my fellow Steemians. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.
not nice to spam your link on someone's post