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RE: Is The Crypto Bear Market Over?

I have always batted for EOS. I have been invested in it for over a year and it is delivering on the promise. I have powered up more STEEM but it is getting closer to the end of its life cycle in my opinion. The engagement here is way down from what it even is on WEKU and WhaleShares mainly because on those sites people still have hope. People in general have lost hope for now with STEEM. A lot will be back when the prices surge but in my opinion there are tons of issues with STEEM. If our cost basis is low enough we will be ok as long as we scale out of it at the right times.

For some applications the difference between 3 seconds and 0.5 seconds will be negligible but for others it will make a difference particularly something that would have interactive game play from different individuals from around the world.

On the proof of work chains the longer block times actually add some security in some respects and with everyone trying to solve the exact same math problems Internet latency can be a problem. With proof of Stake there is one node selected to produce the result and process the transactions.

There is a limitation to the block time that a Proof of Work chain can handle and that is why Ethereum has 15 second block times but will have to transition to proof of Stake to really scale.


It depends what you are focusing on. For example, I see DTube engagement at an all time high these days. I think the engagement on Weku and Whaleshares might be higher because it's new and people are just excited about being on a new platform. In my opinion, people will calm down over there as well.

I don't agree with you about Steem's life cycle coming near the end. That sounds overly pessimistic. Things are just starting to heat up a lot! Don't just think about blogging dude.

I'm not trying to wind up Brian here, but I fully agree with you - we are all guessing - I think EOS is a lemon and I'm glad I sold all mine at $15. And I think Weku is utter crap and have seen Steemit bounce back from worse.

I don't get why you are saying EOS is a lemon.

Firstly because it was hyped to a huge degree to start with - and that was a scam in itself. People who bought early and sold at its peak did well while believers got burned - the usual pattern.

Secondly because all over Steemit people were promoting Trybe - eg: - But like Weku, Trybe is an utter pile of dogshit - and why do Steemians promote rival sites anyway? - if the rival site is any good it is competition, and if it isn't any good it just sucks - either way I'm not going to promote it!

And thirdly because I am really suspicious about Dan's background (CIA?) - yes that does have implications for Steemit too, and like quite a few people I'm aware of that... I like Steem and Steemit so I'm taking a chance on them, but I don't like EOS or Trybe, I think they both suck.

Hope I'm not freaking you out here!

EOS doesn't really have much yet. I bought it when it was cheaper but I wasn't even able to unstake it using Simpleos. I eventually gave up and haven't gotten around to doing anything with my EOS tokens. I only see EOS as an investment right now so I hope the price goes higher.

Simpleos is a 3rd party wallet. That is like someone saying they couldn't figure out how to see their Ethereum private keys in Exodus. It doesn't actually say anything about the actual project.

That is true. I wasn't trying to say EOS is bad because of Simpleos. I was planning to sell my EOS a couple months ago but gave up trying to unstake my tokens. I figure I'll just hold onto them and see what happens. EOS is still in its infancy. Things always sound good on paper but then face unexpected problems when applied in the real world.

Dude EOS is working and if you have been holding your EOS you have recieved a lot of airdrops and will also get Worbli and Telos coins as well which are sister chains.

There is way more activity on EOS than on STEEM at this point and WAX decided to clone the EOSIO software for their video game assets platform. You can check out the transactions over on

There is way more activity on that stuff than STEEM. STEEM is cool and a great proof of concept and some really cool stuff has happened here but there has also been a lot of frustration. Sometimes I think about STEEM and just look at the ground and shake my head.

You are a 1%er when it comes to cryptos - most people have only heard of Bitcoin if any at all, but wouldn't have a clue how to use it. We have accepted crypto payments for our our online business for a year now and still not a single person has wanted to make one.

We are happy to accept Etherium, Dash, Steem, or Etherium Cash. And even Bitcoin if they want to use it. But we wouldn't take EOS...

Honestly curious, what platforms are up and running in EOS? Is there a social media platform working now? Is there a place where I can see the different dapps?

There will be some other price surges but something like Steem should be insulated from the huge price drops but it lost 90% of it's value. In general people coming to the platform don't want to invest $5000 to then bust their ass to give themselves a $0.15 upvote.

It's becoming easier to get upvoted. You just have to try different platforms and actually try to improve on what you are doing. I think marketing and hype are the only reasons why some other coins didn't drop so much. People will invest $5000 in bitcoin and let it sit there. Owning bitcoin does not allow you to earn more. At least with Steem, you have ways to take your investment and let it earn more Steem (like a dividend).

In my opinion, the people that were persistent and focused on their own improvement succeeded on Steem. People that kept doing the same thing over and over while expecting the system to change in order to reward them more fell behind and/or quit. Lots of people quit Steem because they realized it isn't a money printing machine. It takes dedication and focus.

I see it differently. I get what you are saying in some respects. A lot of people are quiters but 85 - 90% attrition rate is unreal and there is a reason for it. It became less and less likely that a content creator could come here with amazing content and even make enough to buy themselves a sandwich each day on the earnings. How much does it cost to make a move on here? $5,000? $10,000, $50,000?

The witness situation is a joke as well as a lot of other things. There are just too many problems to list.

It makes more sense to just hold Bitcoin than to hold STEEM because it didn't lose near as much so holding STEEM both spent people's money and devalued their time to where they could have just held Bitcoin or EOS and focused on other stuff in their lives and they would have been further ahead than dumping all their time into STEEM.

There is no other revenue sources automatically integrated into the main entry point for this blockchain that could be used to buy more STEEM and support the price. What I'm saying is ad revenue or other mechanisms that would be used to buy STEEM and pay qualified content creators in vested STEEM Power. Then STEEM would be less likely to get crushed like every other pump and dump coin. Also the distribution was so messed up and never addressed that at this point someone would have to have millions of dollars almost to make big moves on here.

STEEM is just a production level testnet and an example of what worked and what didn't. Steemit INC isn't willing to address the issues and again the Witness situation is a joke. There are some good guys in there that have put in a hell of a lot of work and have a team like @good-karma but then there are a lot of scrubs that are just hanging out sitting pretty.

I could have went deep into this chain after selling my house in Arizona but I'm going way deeper on other stuff and investing in my own project.

I think Nano is actually a better investment at this point than STEEM because Nano has no inflation so there will be no more coins in circulation and it has already blown off. Steem has around 8% inflation and has too much down pressure on it because people treat it like a job to try to pay bills and there are no other income streams like ad revenue to support the price on the exchanges.

It will surge again and will likely go past $5 at the very least in the next boom but I will likely be selling at anything over about $3 to be safe.

It made sense to hold Bitcoin so long as you sold it all when it was up over $15 000 - now it's like putting cash in a suitcase - the returns may not be great and the security is a bit sketchy :)

I think you have just described Steemit's two greatest strengths as weaknesses:

"people treat it like a job to try to pay bills and there are no other income streams like ad revenue"

So they have an incentive to use it and it's the one site without utter crap plastered all over it - good and good!

I didn't sell any Steem when it was $6 and when it goes over $3 I'll just say good- it's taken longer than I expected but no worries - but if it goes over $10 I might sell some, which is just how I treat most cryptos.

Steem is just harder to estimate the purchase price on because I didn't invest any actual money into it. Because I had to put something in my speadsheet I called it 20 cents. Which is about what it was when I started.

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