Dad Tip of the Day: How to Say No

in #dad6 years ago

Dad Tip of the Day: Kids will ask for crazy or unreasonable things at times, so learning how to say “no” in a loving way is a parenting necessity and will ultimately help them grow up.

All kids are different, but one thing you can count on is that they will make requests or do things you must say “no” to. Nobody loves to see kids throw a temper tantrum at a store – it is not fun for the parents or the bystanders. Learning how to say “no” in a firm, but loving way that your children will listen to and respect is a parenting skill that is honed with experience.


Ok, so my daughter has not asked for a tattoo yet, but perhaps that is coming in the future. When it does come, I am likely to say “no” and explain the reasons why I do not think it is a good idea, but also not close the door to the possibility of one when she is older and can make an informed decision.

I found this good article about some of the benefits when kids are told “no”.

  • Helps them figure out how to deal with disappointment

  • Teaches to get over frustration

  • Shows them how to delay gratification

Kids learning and understanding how to deal with “no” will be helpful in their personal growth and development. Of course, you want kids to have opinions and develop their own thoughts and ideas, so saying “yes” when it makes sense also helps in their growth – learning how to navigate the “no”s and “yes”es is what parenting is all about.

Thank you for stopping by!



Nice tats

When children are young, the 'no' is easy to be explained and accepted. When they are teenagers, they won't accept the 'no' using the 'fact' that a friend's mother or father says 'yes' to their friend and they will want to be treated the same way...

Great and logical tips for kids. We should teach our kids from their childhood to make them brilliant. I appreciate your great tips. Always pray to God for your beautiful kids bright future.

It is so important to be able to say no to your kids. All too often, parents say yes to almost everything and it becomes a problem in times when the answer really needs to be no. Kids need to learn at a young age that you don't just get everything you want in life.

Seems like it is much easier to say no when they're younger than when they're teenagers. I used to be much better at it than I am now. Thanks for posting this. I passed it along to my 16 year old.

How are you my friend? sometimes we believe that saying at some point NOT our children is the most horrible but it is not so we are doing them a good and they are sure men and women will realize that in this changing world not everything can be say YES once in a while you have to say NO

Greetings to your beautiful family, Kendra is very big I send you a beautiful kiss

That tattoo to Kendra looks great on her, and she is big and beautiful

You are right, you have to learn to say no, but you must also explain why we are saying that your request will not teach them until they are big and can take things for themselves.
Great advice of the day brian

Along the childhood of my daughters I had to say "no" hundreds of times, but I always took the time to explain them why I was saying "no". We, parents, have to say "no" due to numerous reasons and most of them are easy for the children to understand.

Hello my friend how are you? great advice of the day to us parents it costs us a bit to tell our children that NO to something but we must be something hard is for the good of them this will teach them for their future later they will thank

Nice tattoos hahaha look great

Saying no,it is the better of your child future,you are best dad in the world,you daily tips are so cool,you are so enjoying your happy life,All of you looks so beautiful,thanks for sharing.

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