
in #dreams6 years ago

Dreamed I was in a prison, but this time I wasn't an inmate. I was watching Andy Dufresne's character from Shawshank Redemption. Instead of being an accountant to his boss' corruption, he was a chef, working on some beef dish in a giant pan. He stuck his nose in to smell and it seemed off, but he figured with the pretentiousness of the clientele, they probably wouldn't notice. They would probably think it was gourmet.

I left the kitchen, went through a small exercise yard, and walked into the restaurant where the tables had been placed in much the same way slot machines are placed in a casino - no real order. I walked through another door into an upscale grocery store and saw Tina. She had seen me, wanted nothing to do with me, and kept walking, head held high in her classic neo-humble self-importance. I called out to her, ran after her, and grabbed her arm to turn her around. She was not offended that I had grabbed her, but she looked at me in disgusted entertainment, like "What could you possibly say to me that would inspire me to despise you any less?" It was almost like she wanted me to have a good answer, but also wanted me to suffer.

Dumbstruck by her intensity both in beauty and hostility, I let her go. I drove away up the shallow rise of an icy parking lot, practicing losing and regaining traction. After the third spin-around and nearly hitting a parked car that I could hear running, I drove up a steep, rocky embankment and got onto the freeway. I had a destination but forgot what it was.

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