The God Complex ~ Nature or Nurture?

in #psycology7 years ago


I am sure we all know at least one person with a God Complex, and we can agree that these are not the easiest people to deal with even when it comes to the simplest situations.

A person with a god complex can be defined as a person who refuse to admit the possibility of their error or failure, despite any given evidence that proves otherwise.

Given that these types of people are normally very strongly dogmatic in their opinions and views considering them to be unquestionably correct and often request special considerations and privileges to suit them holding absolutely no regard for their fellow man or the conventions of the circumstances, I always have a good giggle and think:

“My karma ran over your dogma”

Unfortunately the God complex, despite being comprised of narsisim and aroogance still is not listed as a diagnosable mental disorder but it is definitely an acknowledged social condition.

One thing that I would love to know is why people feel that they deserve the right to subjugate and/or ridicule other individuals deemed to be inferior or unworthy?

In one instance; I met a person years earlier, a wonderful humble, easy going person, this guy then came into money and I ran into this person again somewhere down the line. I was shocked and surprised at how much the person had changed in a very short time, the god complex was prevalent and the general feel was one of a holier than thou attitude being exhumed.

Is this condition directly associated with financial wealth?

I think in a lot of cases money can be related directly to the symptoms, but I am still deciding if it is the sole stem cause of the problem. I have met a lot of wealthy people and even people that has over a short time come into wealth that does not hold the god complex at heart or mind, then again also met some people from reasonably poor backgrounds that do. I believe that a person has to have a natural psychological need to create the god complex within oneself and then when you attain a status of power, such as money that you can use as a steppingstone to your self made podium of superiority, then you start exposing this God complex to the world around you.

What are your opinions on this?

Please let me know in the comment section


I've met a lot of people having the God complex, and I can say that money or anything they get along the way has pretty much nothing to do with that complex.

People I guess have it before they get anything. They want to feel superior, and they want others to praise them and see them as really important people. That's one of the reasons some get really arrogant when they get money or something not everyone has.

In my personal opinion, the only way to deal with this people is to just ignore them. In 90% of the cases, the person with the God complex won't have the necessary intelligence to understand his or her behavior, and if you criticize them and tell them the truth, he or she will do their best to prove you're wrong.

I think the best place to find a lot of people like this is in almost every online gaming community. I played League of Legends for almost 5 years, and I'm telling you, those people are more afraid to admit they made a mistake than they're afraid of plague. No matter what happens and no matter what division they are, they still consider themselves to be better than you.

I also think this "God complex" comes from the insecurity of feeling inferior, because you don't have something others have. That may be one of the reasons for the way some behave.

Anyway, great post, I would love if some people that have this "condition" read your post and they realize what they do is wrong, but I guess that since they believe themselves to be the best in this world, they would just assume what you said here does not apply to them.

Best of luck in the future!

Wow, well that just about summarises the entire concept!
Stunningly put!
Thank you so much for your point of view!

Life is sometimes above, sometimes also below. Grateful for what is there is better my best friend.

Agreed, thank you so much for the comment

I'm helping someone deal with this right now .. its never easy and is usually a polarized situation. Im sure there are more a few reasons why some people jump on their high horse and feel they have been divinely inspired with the one and only truth!

I think in my friends case its because her mum is someone who is very close with God and she has SUCh passion and conviction about everything she says that you cant really argue against it. WHen someone is 100% adamant what can you do!?

I think for many people this stems from a feeling of insecurity. We dont want to be wrong, and we cant handle criticism.. Therefore we create the idea that we know the ultimate truth about things...

The truth to me is, we live in a free will universe. THere is no real right or wrong beyond our own idea and opinions. Who is to say what any free person should or should not be saying or doing. We should always leave some space to be a little humble because nothing is 100% in this world!

I have to agree with you on that!
Thank you so much for your opinion

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