The bible talks about different kinds of faith: dead faith, saving faith, living faith, personal faith, little faith faith of a mustard seed, weak faith, great faith, and dynamic faith. you need saving faith today to begin you walk with God because only those who know their God can do exploits. By saving faith we mean receiving God's gift of salvation through faith. it is repenting from your sins and accepting God's pardon through faith. After salvation from sin, you continue with God by faith living faith. But to do great exploits for him, you will need to develop your personal, living faith into great dynamic faith so, how do you develop, grow or build your faith for exploits?

  1. Study God's word daily ( 2 Timothy 2:15; Psalm 1:2; James 1: 22)
  2. Hear the preaching of God's anointed word (Romans 10: 17)
  3. Pray daily and fervently in the Holy Spirit (Jude 1: 20)
  4. Put you faith into actions (James 2: 26)

''faith without works is dead''

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