A Tennessee Style Breakfast - incl a Hash Browns recipe - BraaiBoy TV

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago

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Time to catch up with some BraaiBoyTV

Hey guys... Apologies for been so quiet lately. I've been doing a lot of travelling and events... and one of those travels was a ~3-week road trip through South Africa with Rick, an American mate I met a few years back.

Fast forward 5 years, and we finally convinced him to come visit us here in South Africa. We literally crossed the country from the Northern Border (actually crossing into Botswana for a brief/illegal visit), all the way South to Cape Point... zig-zagging a bit between and cruising up the Eastern coast along the garden route.

"Home is just a quick swim across the Atlantic in that direction"

Rick didn't have too many things he specifically wanted to see, so we winged the majority of the route, and if I manage to stay at home for more than a few hours, I'll put together a post about some of those adventures with some of the more PG-rated pics... but one of the things he DID want to do was be part of a #BraaiBoyTV episode.

Tennessee Breakfast

Home, (miles and miles) away from home.

Rick is one of the few dudes on earth that loves his Jack Daniel's as much as I do, and fortunately I recently became friends with the owner of a Tennessee-themed restaurant (Taste of Tennessee) here in Pretoria. Willem is a really cool dude, and quickly agreed to let us film an episode at his restaurant.

One of the benefits of travelling with me is that we HAVE TO braai every day, however not once on the whole trip did we ever make our own breakfast... so we took this opportunity to do exactly that ... and made something that really stood out for me the first time I was over in the States: Hash Browns!

Hash Browns with breakfast FTW! \m/

In it's simplest form, hash browns are just shredded & fried potatoes... but that would make for quite a boring episode, so we 'zhushed' it up it a bit... and because we can't JUST eat a plate full of shredded potato, we braaied some breakfast along with it.

Do you have any recipes or ideas that you would like to see me try out? Let me know in the comments below and if I use your idea there will be a reward in it for you. I don't know what that reward is just yet... but there will be a reward, and it will be cool (public high-5's are cool, right?) ;-)

Liked the video/Recipe? Maybe you thought it was crap?

Either way, let me know in the comments below.

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@braaiboy YUM, HASHBROWNS! 😊

What meat(s) do you like to braai most? Hope you enjoyed travelling with your mate (:

I'm a huge fan of beef on the braai (very little comes close to a well-aged rump steak), and Pork on the BBQ Smoker... but since I literally braai every day, I've started doing a little bit of everything... Pork is VERY underrated in my opinion.

love those hashbrowns.. :)

Yeah... I love them too!
They're not a big thing here in South African restaurants though unfortunately :-(

Looks like you know how to make some good ones. :)

Hash browns are amazing! I love them so much, and making them is both amazing and makes a great tasty treat when they're done. Your breakfast plate looks amazing, though, and now I want some bacon XD

For sure! Especially when you spice them up a little.
Thanks for popping in and watching the video \m/

That's a tasty looking breakfast! And it's cool when you have certain meals that are more focused on your country/culture.

Thanks for the kind words... make sure to pop by (normally) every week for a new recipe.

That's got to be the best looking hash brown I've ever seen. Thanks very much for sharing this recipe.

Ahhhh... thanks @steveblucher ... I'm not sure about it being the best ever... but they're definitely the best I've ever tasted here in SA :-)

Thanks for popping in and watching this episode. \m/

Considering my hash brown experience revolves around McDonald's and frozen from the supermarket, I'm sticking with best ever!!

hahahahaha... I'll take that any day... Thanks! ;-)

That looks amazing! We have a special food that is similar with this. I am sure that is as delicious as ours!

Cool... What is yours called?

It is called “Latkes de Papa”

Posted using Partiko iOS

I (obviously) had to Google that :P
... and YES, looks like it's the same thing... YUMMY!!!

@braaiboy Surely an award winning hashbrown this! Maybe you can start a new craze for the restaurants to serve this?

Well... The guys at Taste Of Tennessee here in Centurion think so too... already gave them the recipe. Let's show SA that there's more to a hash brown than the stuff McD's tries to force on us :P

Once long ago we tried McD and believe me when I say never again.

Now that is what I call a breakfast. The hashbrown looks mighty tasty and the fact that I could only get hashbrowns here from Mcdonalds. I'm sure that one you have there is much more delicious.

Yeah... it's sad that here in SA we measure hash browns by the McD's standard... they can be so much better than that :P

Hashbrowns make a great change from chips, have only ever made them once, purchased a couple of times not impressed with prepacked ones at all!

Homemade simply delicious, with great spices adding a little zing to one wholesome hearty breakfast, great recipe to test drive.

Hashbrowns make a great change from chips

My cameraman said the exact same thing... gonna start a new trend and see them as sides at more and more braais from now on :P

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