My Quarantine Story - Corona Virus In Ondo State.

in GEMS4 years ago

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Since the outbreak of the novel Corona virus, it has been a kind of a hell on Earth gradually as many people fear what comes next. The christians believe it's a dress rehearsal for the end of the world fortold in the Bible. The scientist actually believe we are gradually moving close to the end. A point where mankind obliterate himself and send himself back to the Stone age.

For us here in the third world, it's another different ball game. With no one to help and no government to help out of poverty, the Corona met us unprepared and has been dealing with us for some days now with it. And this is my story of how it's going.

I remembered the first day of the lockdown was on Friday, all schools where told to be close that day but due to the fact that the news came very late and many aren't prepared, it was moved to Monday. It was on that Friday that I start to pack up food stuff at home by buying Beans and cassava flakes.

That was the beginning of a very long journey which continued till now, making two weeks.

  • What is your coronavirus story; how has it affected you? (your life, financially, health or otherwise)
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    {Now the number is at five}

    My life,? It hasn't changed much because, my normal routine when Corona hasn't come is go to work each day, when am back, I retire to social media blogging ; Hive, Uptrennd, Steemit, Publish0x etc. But since Corona has come now, all I do is sit down with my phone and stay glued to every wtiting chances and contest that comes my way.

Financially, my income has doubled because I now have more time to write across many platfrom than before.

Health wise, am doing great.

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  • Have you or someone you know been effected with the coronavirus, how are they now, what was it like for them?

I wouldn't be able to answer affirmatively, since it takes some days for the symptoms to show full face. But so far so good, none that I know either distant or close have go it. I thank God for that.

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  • Have you used this time to strengthen bonds with loved ones, do you feel you'll come out of this a better person?

This is not the time to call in love.🥰😍

Seriously, am trying to, but am a full social introvert both in and out. Am trying to see if I can hook up with someone, but I don't know yet if it can work.
I also believe I'll come out of this as a better person. I believe it.

  • Do you have any photos/videos to share of where you're hunkering down? Show us how you spend your 24 hours as a prisoner.
    A prisoner, oh no, am not. Despite the lock down, I still go to Church, though it's as empty as a no service day. Today, we are just five in the whole church that on a normal day counts up to 500+. I've not missed any church service day since the Corona virus issue, though each of the church service doesn't see us more than seven in number.

After watching some movies during the day, I can just decide to take a stroll out and switch on my actifit app. Walk a little and then return back home to boredom and movies.

  • If you haven't been practicing social distancing, why, & what's the world like out there by you?

A large number of people here live by there daily bread, there daily income comes from the street, so if they obeyed the total lockdown, the whole family will go hungry.

That's why there is a partial lockdown, I mean the government issued a total lockdown but many are still working and opening there shops halfway.

But churches are on total lockdown and no service is allowed to be held.

I haven't been practicing social distance because all the cases found in my state all test negative, some states in Nigeria don't have the virus yet and they've closed there border in and out of the State.

Overall, the effect of the government lockdown isn't that much effective here because no case of anybody testing positive to Corona virus here. But we still have to obey the rules and regulations of the state and for our welfare too.



You might wanna ask why am writing all this, I was asked by @theycallmedan in a contest post here 👇
QuarantineLife Initiative


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