The Diary Game || 9-03-24 || Attending and Covering the Wedding of My Friend and meeting 5 steemians

in Steem4Nigeria4 months ago

picture of the latest couple

It was weekend. Lot of activities pilled up for the day to be accomplished, so one needed to plan otherwise, he'll become indebted to time mismanagement. I had five major activities to be done in one day of which 4 were events and two, work. These events includes;

  • Funeral of my Christian sister's mother 1
  • Funeral of my Christian sister's sister 2
  • Wedding ceremony of my friend
  • Book launch for all content writers.
  • Preaching, teaching and inviting people to attend the memorial of Christ death.

All these activities were to run from morning till evening, so I had to plan not just based on the most important but also pocket size. If it were you that had such pile up activities, which would you go for? Let me tell you how I navigated my day in making choices.

Morning Activities

I didn't wake up that early as usual because I had a tough night although I survived it. As a moderator in two communities, it is my duty to review posts on Fridays in those two communities.

Network was my greatest dread as it did my dirty on Friday night. I could review all those posts in the community but to submit my review was an issue. I had to wait till the morning of weekend before I could submit those reviews. Additionally, I was damn tired to the core but still persisted. I slept around 4:45Am in the morning and woke up by 6:30Am.

I did my chores as early as so as to beat time. I then discussed the scriptures with my family which emphasized an important point of loving truth which Good loves and hating all forms of lies even if the lie seem to us as small.

Satan the devil who seems to be God's enemy and ours too has been lying from the begining and he has also made it seems like something good to the majority who feel lying is no big deal. He has also spread lies about God of which many today believe these lies. Our creator promises to eliminate all liars and those who believe in these lies. We won't want this to happen to us in any way.

After considering the scriptures, I took to preparing for the preaching work of which I thought of prioritizing first before any other event.

During the preaching work

I assembled with other people who took this work seriously by turning up. Some may ask, why would I leave my business, my work and chance to go to an event just to go to people's house and preach to them. It's my love for people and for the person that gave me the command. If I know about steemit platform and share it with others without telling others so they can benefit as well, I'm showing love in action. We saw people producing oil and shelling kernels.


So my going to people's houses to tell them about the wonderful hope our creator has for us and what they'll do to be part of this hope or wonderful future shows I love them. Leaving my work, business and entertaining events to do with work is called sacrifice.


After the preaching work, I set out to attend the wedding of my friend. I had plans with another friend of mine to take me down there with his vehicle. This is a picture of him preparing. We were to play the ushering role in the event so that food and drinks would be served and that there's order in the event.


During the Proclaimation

We first went to a hall where we would see this newly wedded couple exchange their marital vows before setting out to the reception. After the vows were made, I greeted the couples specially and he was happy I honoured the event. My main aim going there was to cover the event. So I did what was supposed to be done.


This is a picture of the groom and his best man in their finely dressed suitPXL_20240309_140330606.PORTRAIT.jpg
This is a picture of the bride and her friends.PXL_20240309_135751063.PORTRAIT.jpg
This is a picture of the best manPXL_20240309_140031907.PORTRAIT.jpg
The bridePXL_20240309_140122325.PORTRAIT.jpg

In no time, we left for the reception which was a stone throw from the hall we were. The reception was held at a popular Hotel in my city called EmJim, named after the owner. The flex in front of the hotel was a guide to people that the reception would be held in this hotel.


Inside the hotel space has a reception hall which events are held mostly. This is a picture of the reception hall.


On entering, I was amazed by the decorations. Everywhere looked so classical and glittery. I did what I knew how to do best. My **eyes caught the buffet style used in the event of which I snapped.

The buffet serve yourself stylePXL_20240309_141331183.PORTRAIT.jpg
The palacePXL_20240309_141507594.PORTRAIT.jpg
The light bulb passagePXL_20240309_152752931.PORTRAIT.jpg
The left hand side of the hallPXL_20240309_152831195.NIGHT.jpg
The RHS of the hallPXL_20240309_152859281.NIGHT.jpg
The chairman and his family yet to be called to the high tablePXL_20240309_141820769.PORTRAIT.jpg

When I was done capturing the building, I took to sharing drinks as the program was about to commence. I distributed everything and went outside to drink mine before drinks get exhausted. This is a picture of me drinking a bottle of Sprite.


While taking this drink, my eyes caught two Steemians @benji019 and @queenbeejah** who I never thought I would see in person. Such a coincidence. I was so elated to see them that I took pictures with @queenbeejah and also gave her a face card. She felt my camera I would say and others who were kind of friends to her pleaded I give them so nice shots. I do what I knew how to do best.


Shot 1PXL_20240309_141321266.PORTRAIT.jpg
Shot 2PXL_20240309_143738762.PORTRAIT.jpg
Shot 3PXL_20240309_142301468.PORTRAIT.jpg
Shot 4PXL_20240309_142605306.PORTRAIT (1).jpg
Shot 5PXL_20240309_152538002.PORTRAIT (1).jpg

After giving them clean shots of which I exchanged numbers so I would send it to them via social media, i prepared myself to take the couples as they were ready.

This was the order of photographs

The groomPXL_20240309_152020207.PORTRAIT.jpg
The bride2ed05bd8098c4a878f00e5631b7ae245.jpg
The groom and best man
The couples with the bride's familyPXL_20240309_150730801.PORTRAIT.jpg
Couples with the groom's familyPXL_20240309_150237110.PORTRAIT.jpg
Couples with friends of the bridePXL_20240309_150835913.PORTRAIT.jpg
Couples with friends of the groomPXL_20240309_150352956.PORTRAIT.jpg
Couples with maids and grooms menPXL_20240309_151513811.PORTRAIT.jpg
The bride and her maidsPXL_20240309_152310481.PORTRAIT (1).jpg
Groom and best manPXL_20240309_151910525.PORTRAIT.jpg
PXL_20240309_151730499.PORTRAIT.jpgPXL_20240309_151754608.PORTRAIT.jpgPhoto Album

I gave them clean shots as was instructed. I was high them they dance into the hall for all to see. Do you know what the couples did?. They didn't follow popular trend where they'll dance alongside the groomsmen, maids and others. They allowed them dance in before taking turns.

I never knew this couple were planning to kill all the singles out there with their moves. They danced excellently well if I'm to grade. The man got the swag while she got the style,.



Every moves shows professionalism in dancing. I was so amazed. The DJ was also giving. I just love the way the wedding was coordinated and arranged.

They made me proud. I also danced for them no doubt. It was time for the MC to address certain things. Our work was to serve food and drinks of which we were at work. The foods present were;

Fried riceJollof ricePlantain porridge
Afang soupSalad and chickenCoconut rice etc

Food was in excess. In my dialect it's called Badaswene. Food reached everyone to their satisfaction. In fact, people ate twice in that occasion. The couples danced and did the needful till the ceremony was over. A prayer was said to close the event.


When people were leaving, we did our work of packing the plates and bottles after our own food was served specially. I ate to stupor and then danced out my heart. I didn't give a damn to what was said about me. It was a form of exercise to me. There was a song played by the DJ of which I nailed. Everyone turned and looked at me in amazement.

I was just so energised that day. Lest I forget, I had encounter with @goodybest and her husband with kids. I also met @eliany, her husband and kid. Words can't just express how elated I was to have 5 steemians in the occasion in attended.


In no time, I left feeling weak and stressed out. I then slept off till morning and then woke up to make a post. They was how my day went. At least my time was well managed.

Preaching workCovering an event with my mobile device

I can plan your day for you if you find it challenging to make choices and manage your time.

PhotographsRedmi Note 12 Pro

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Good to read about your busy day. Especially the business promotion and even better to see your acquaintance's wedding. I pray that their married life will be beautiful and happy.
Thank you so much for sharing your daily diary game with us and teaching us something.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 4 months ago 

Appreciated Boss


Wow!!! Boss you have the time to capture all the pics and scenes, I love every pose though, especially that dance moves by the couple and that of the display of the maids of honour.The event was dazzling indeed, I like a something like this.You are a pro with this hand I'm seeing, go get one tripod and canon camera, and I'll contact you soon😄😄 Nwanu weldone for your good work ,keep doing

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