The Diary Game || 15-05-24 || Keeping Fit With Steemians as Part of Healthy Living / Promoting Steemit

in Healthy Steemlast month


Dear Diary,
As a part of my healthy living, I prioritise doing workouts some days in the week to keep my body flexible and fit. Many have overlooked the benefits of what exercise can do for the body. I finally went on a Wednesday after a long break due to school activities.

I did this fitness with some Steemians and also met another steemian who got a new steeming tool. My day was kind of balanced though. Let me give you the narratives.

Morning Activities

It was a wednesday morning and the weather was looking so discouraging. I woke up late from bed as I slept late in the night due to the fact that I was working on projects upon projects and some financial research online. When I left home for the fitness center, I was more than thrilled to see my fitness team once again. They missed me no doubt and I missed them as well.

Since I was late, I had to start with the first programme which was that of Lifts on the step board.

This programme was exclusive to two dumbbells and a step board


We did it by holding two dumbbells on our hands and then when we step on the fitness board with one leg, we left it to our shoulder level. When we place both legs on the step board, we'll lift the two dumbbells up high and then bring it down while descending from the step board. It wasn't that easy as I thought and I really felt the pain in my two arms. Lifting it up 40 times as it was a requirement with the dumbbells was a big challenge but I had to endure.


It was ond of the best endurance test I've seen. After that programme, another one was introduced which centered on using a bigger dumbbell in doing arm lifting. How was this done?


We were expected to do this 40 times, 10 times in a row. You'll hold the dumbbell in your hands and then lift it to your chest region and bring if down. Songs were played to motivate us to keep on doing this fitness. This is our coach dancing to the tune of the music played.

PXL_20240515_073111588.jpgCoach ngoenyi
Tyre Lifting

This was another programme for all. We were expected to lift this tyre like a dumbbell and then gym it up and down simultaneously. It was heavy no doubt and what was required to attain balance or you'll not be able to lift it comfortably. Everyone in the team did lift this tyre to the best of their ability. These are pictures of us trying to do this programme. We were expected to feel the pain in our arms and shoulders.

Back Lift

This was another programme synonymous to the second programme. All that was required in this was to placed the dumbbell behind your head, on your shoulder with your hands supporting it. You'll then lift it up and then behind. Every lifts were done behind one's back. These were the people that did this programme. I escaped from it because I was already broken.


Random programme.
Coach @ngoenyi did allow people do random programmes after the main programme. It was much more fun and interesting no doubt. After this workout, we took to playing football on the field. I was already tired and exhausted from the workouts but still had to play along. My team did justice to the winning side. We trashed the other team with two goals;

PXL_20240515_103741575.jpgPXL_20240515_103702005.jpgPicture of the winning team

It ended this way as the sun was scourging. We left the field for other entertainment programme. **We ordered drinks that would give us energy and also lessen the pain. I was **that day I found out that drinks after workout can relieve you of the pain incurred though not totally advisable for those watching weight.

After the drinks and some entertaining scenes, the other team placed a rematch with us as they didn't want to accept defeat. Luckily for them, they won us with just a goal.



The steemians that were part of this fitness that day includes;

@chichigirl@bossj23 which is me.

It was much more fun and interesting than all workouts I've done. I then took to enlightening a random passers-by about steemit who was kindly interested in joining. Alli001 and me told him what he needed to and as it stands, he'll soon join the platform when he fixes his phone.


I left under the scorching sun to the junction to board a vehicle that would take me home. When I was on my way down there, I stumbled on a woman who was selling chilled Soya beans milk. I had to make purchases to cold down my temperature. After making this purchase, I boarded a vehicle home and prepared to leave for an invitation by a Steemian.

Soya beans milk200 naira0.5 steems
Transport fare200 naira0.5 steems
Transport fare to meet the Steemian @whizzbro4eva100 naira0.2

Honouring the invitation of this Steemian, I had to meet up at the specified place to welcome @whizzbro4eva new steeming tool. I used his phone to do a concept as shown below. We spent quality time together and also entertained ourselves with some drinks.....I then left for home after doing the needful for him.

Malta400 naira1.08 steem
Transport fare back home100 naira0.2 steem

On getting back home, I stopped at a random street food vendor to make some purchases that I'll eat that night. I also purchased some toiletries for house use.

Toilet roll400 naira1.08 steem
Roasted chicken1000 naira2.7 steems

That was how my day ended with total expenses of

2,400 naira6.2 steems.

All pictures are captured from my phone

 last month 

hey dear your post to your fitnes routine is truly inspired to see how you push yourself through challenges workout and still manages to enjoy some friendlly competition affterward.take care and best of luck..

 last month 

I'm trying to see if I can build my body and physique with this fitness training as the case may be. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for sharing.


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Curated by : @anasuleidy

 last month 

Thanks for the support @anasuleidy

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