Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC) WK14:#2: Thank you!

in Steem Kids & Parents7 months ago


Her husband gave her 30k which is 150 steems to purchase food for the week. She snatched the money in disgust saying, Your mates are giving their wives 50k daily to cook food and yet you're the only one who doesn't know the importance of having a wife. You can't even be a man as you claim to be. Such an Ingrate she is.

The husband just had to wave the whole situation so as not to spoil his marriage. Her later advised her on using the two magic words, Thank you even though her complaints can come later. These two words can go a long way into helping you in various aspects of your life. Let's see what this post entails

What is thank you and on what occasions can one say it (5 different occasions)

Thank you is used in a polite way to signify one's appreciation or gratitude over something done by someone for him or done for someone by Him and vice versa. It is a common term that's widely used in today's world. To prove, purchase a meal for someone who barely ate and see his reaction. In most cases, he'll likely thank you and tell God to bless you for what you've done.. Saying thank you can take any form, either throughletter writing, phone calls, using gifts, money or even paying visits.


There's a verse in the scriptures that say in Everything, we should give thanks. There's no simplest way of giving thanks than saying Thank You outspokenly. In every facet of our lives, whether we are eating, drinking, interacting, in school or even in the hospital, we should be grateful. Although we sometimes overlook these two words, here are some occasions we should say thank You

  • Thanking God for the Gift of life: This underserved kindness shown by God to us is one of the best gift one could ever have. Thousands of people die everyday but we're opportune to keep on breathing and carrying out our normal activities. No other gift encompasses this that's why we should always be grateful for the giver.
  • Parents: We should always thank our parents for making it possible for us to be brought into born into the world, clothed, cared for and attain the heights we have today. If not for them and their struggles, where would we be today?

  • Food We should always be grateful for whoever gives us food to eat be it a chef, our parents or visitors. It's not easy to prepare a meal. Even if we're purchasing it with our money, we should always be grateful. Let them know and feel you enjoy their meals.


We should also be thankful when someone commends us on something we did and when we get something from someone. These are the 5 occasions we should say thank you.

How important is thank you and who should say it?

Many overlook these two words in some way, either because they didn't have good upbringing or they overlook mistakenly, feeling it's not really important at the moment. I feel it's very important to say thank you because it can go a long way to making the recipient feel valued and recognised. It doesn't speak of us as rude but rather Polite. These two words can elevate and take us places. So it's very important and it can or should be said by two parties, the Sender and Recipient.

Tell a real life story where saying thank you has helped you or someone else in a positive way.

Actually, my story is based on something many would consider menial but it's actually elegant. On my way back home from school with my friends, a lecturer in school offered to give us a lift since we were going his direction. We all hoped in gracefully. On reaching our destination, we alighted from the man's car with glad hearts our transport fare was saved. When I got out, I thank the man so much for offering to help us while my friend had already gone a mile.

After thanking the man and was about leaving, he called me and told me to give him my account details. I gave him eagerly and then asked him why he choose to collect my details. He said I was the only person who thanked him for the lift and that it's rare. Menial things like this can actually go a long way.


My coursemates may have thought of it as normal and doesn't ring a bell to be grateful. Even when we enter a cab we will pay for, when we're out, it's important to say thank you to the driver to taking you to your destination safely.

Your advice on saying thank you

Nothing is beyond being grateful for, even greetings which is the slightest that can ever come across one's mind. Like I said at the onset, no matter how small we're given out of a open heart, we should be grateful except it calls for a justice in certain situations.

Don't feel you must have finances before you appreciate someone. Even if it means sending a copy text message or phone call, it can make the recipient feel valued and respected. Our everyday lives should mark a grateful heart no matter how little or absurd.

I invite @crystal247, @allison001 and @us-andrew

Thanks for going through my Post


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 7 months ago 

Showing appreciation should form part of our lifestyles. It makes both the giver and receiver to feel happy. More importantly, it helps brighten their day and make them feel valued.,you gratitude toward the man who gave you lift is so beautiful, really enjoyed reading your blog wish you success 💐🎊🎉.

 7 months ago 

Thank you very much for adding value to my Post

 7 months ago 

Que buen post amigo, es una maravillosa reflexión de vida que deja una estela de enseñanzas. Con gran generosidad has relevado la importancia de dar las gracias mas allá de decir una simple palabra o hacer cumplido, es sentimiento verdadero que llega al corazón y al alma de las personas.

Gracias por compartir tu punto de vista.

Te deseo de corazón el mayor de los éxitos.

 7 months ago 

Thank you for thanking me on my post. Looking forward to reading yours

Saludos estimado amigo, una publicación extraordinaria y emotiva donde con humildad, pero con gran criterio has revelado la gran importancia de dar gracias en nuestras vidas y la satisfacción que se siente. Exitos en tu entrada.

 7 months ago 

Noted and Appreciated


Boss you're indeed right, it's good to say thank you when we're safely out from the vehicle we entered, a lot of drivers out there are driving carelessly as the results, it lead to accident causing early death to individual, I'll be saying thank you anytime I'm safely out from any vehicle.

 7 months ago 

Thanks for adding value to my Post

My pleasure ☺️

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