Promoting Steemit Social Media || Day 07 || Promoting steemit on Facebook social media

in Steem Alliancelast year (edited)

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It's another massive promotion day on steemit. Before i talk about my Promotional activities today, I'll love to deliberate on the progress of those I signed up lately. They were still on their achievement 1 post yesterday although most of them weren't online but would be today.


Two out of 5 submitted their achievement 1 post which was analysed by me before making it official by posting it. I guided them on how'll they'll post, giving them a format for inputting what they wrote, title and tags. The two that submitted are @mp2 and @sunbae15 while waiting for verification. This is mp2 achievement 1. He's working on his achievement 2 now.

So I'll adjust my class today as some are yet to know about the platform, some are yet to sign up,some are yet to do their Achievement one list @sunbae15 and some are about doing their Achievement two having done achievement 1.

Now today, I saw a post this early morning on what skills I can teach for free. This was an opportunity to bring more people on the platform as this type of post usually pull traffic to my comment due to lot of members in that group. I made a comment on this post in the morning as people would be surfing the net that morning.


This is the Facebook post I made the comment and I made it in simple and clear terms. This is what I wrote

Facebook post

It's contents creation. There's a platform that's like Facebook as a social media. It pays people in dollars anytime you post anything on the platform. You can tell others about your day, you can post a review of the match you watched, you can share tutorials on how to cook, talk about the trending movies you've watched and lot more. While Facebook doesn't pay its users for posting until the reach a particular stage or have accumulated lots of followers, the platform I'm about showing you pays you in dollars even if you have just two followers. They are after your content, not fame. While Facebook gives you likes when you post, this platform gives you dollars. I got $9 telling people about the just Concluded world Cup match. If you're interested in knowing more, dm me. Remember it's no Ponzi and registration is free

It was as simple as this and I got so much traffic on this comment. These were my Promotional materials.

Promotional materials
Screenshot of a vote on my postScreenshot_20230506-045132.png
- Intriguing text that supports the screenshot I postedScreenshot_20230514-141819.png

The result of this promotion was massive as I did my best to organize those messaging me to join the platform. Messages kept coming and what I did to organize them was to drop a link of my WhatsApp training group for them to join and introduce themselves.


After joining the group, I shared a Promotional flyer in the group for them to be well aware that our class commences few hours from now. Some of them share the flyer and the group link on their status to join while I still kept on organizing the group.

Promotion is very important as it contributes maximally to the growth of this platform as more users would be introduced to the platform. If not for promotion, I wonder how many would be on this platform. We were just a thousand users some years back but now we're over tens of thousands and investors have been introduced who contributes to the overall growth of the platform while creating contents.

Looking forward to signing up more users and also training them to become well grounded on the platform.



Good job mentor🙌

 last year 

Thank you for your contribution to the community. Keep on sharing quality original posts and please read our how-to posts which have been pinned in the community.

Nice review, we hope you can maintain a professional quality post if you want to share relevant topics in the Steem Alliance community.

Increase your Engagement in the community to exchange ideas and interact with teams from various communities.

Please always review the posts we have pinned on the community page. There are many guides that you should know, and they will be very useful.

Rating : 7/10

have a nice day!


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