in Fascinating Insects4 years ago

This action is happening on the leaves of the young oak tree sprouts at the edge of the forest.

IMG_0374 malo.jpg

The female of the Attelabus nitens weevil is rolling the leaf around her eggs.

IMG_0327 malo.jpg

The finished leaf roll will look like this.

IMG_0304 malo.jpg

This situation was of course preceded by mating ...

IMG_0244 malo.jpg

... meanwhile ...

IMG_0293 malo.jpg

... I mean as the weevil is rolling around the oak ...

IMG_0199 malo.jpg

... this small Tumbling beetle ...

IMG_0187 malo.jpg

... is feeding on the mildew that grows on the upper side of some leaves.

As always in posts, all the photographs are my work.

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