in #life7 years ago

Being a parent I think is the greatest Earthly treasure a person could have. It's also a lot of responsibility because you have someones life, pretty much in the palm of your hand. What we do as parents are mirrored most of the time by our children. We have the opportunity to be their superheroe's! The experiences they have with us they will hold forever, probably not even realizing it.

My son's name is Kamryn. His name means wood and of course we didn't know this when we named him, we just liked the name! So of course this boy has a very stubborn personality. LORD HELP ME!



  1. We have to be strong, but able to show grace.
  2. If we are worng we have to apologize.
  3. We have to find their strengths and make and.
    nurture them.
  4. We have to show them how to interact with.
  5. For my married people, we have to show the.
    kids how husbands and wives should interact.
  6. The children ahould feel comfortable coming.
    to us with anything. I know this doesn't.
    always happen, but we have to try our best.
  7. We have to teach them how to be self.
    sufficient.. IE.. Cooking, cleaning etc.
  8. They need to see us having a work ethic then.
    we give them opportunities to have one.
  9. They have to get a spirtual understanding.
    meaning their life actually has a purpose.

Even though my son messed up he understands that he must pay for his actions. His attitude has even gotten better!( probably because he wants to get off punishment). Whatever the reason I'm glad he's sad and upset.



Thank you. I appreciate your thoughts. My husband and I work so hard to instill what we believe in and what we attribute to good values we were taught. I want them to know love. Sometimes love is hard, sometimes easy. I also want them to practice worship - using our time and talents. We try to teach them order and discipline - this teaching can wear us down as parents. It's nice to know there are still folks out there who CARE about parenting! Dobson said it best - parenting isn't for cowards!

I felt church right here! Parenting is not for cowards and I feel every parent has the ability to be a good impact on their child, it's just up to them to not be selfish. I give up so much for these kids as Im sure you do as well. The energy it takes running them across town for this and that... It is well worth it though!

Yes. Every breath. And I hope mine are nothing like me. I hope they become who GOD created them to be. Just pray to be shown how to lead them! Keep it up - your heart is right. He will be a good man.

Thank you for commenting! I eapecially like how you reference GOD! Sometimes I forget to pray, just to pray outside of a meal and bedtime! I wish blessings and happiness to you and your family!

And to you and yours! The more our family grows and the more exhausted I get, the more Paul makes TOTAL sense. He was a good man and even HE knew about depravity! Praying continuously. And when I get fuming mad, we all stop, drop and pray. It heals the moment and seals us.

Words of wisdom! You have a new follower!

Much peace and happiness and joy to you all.

He made those art figures? They are insanely beautiful! His teacher did good to submit them.

Thank you! He was so happy that people outsife of our house actually liked his work and wanted to shake his hand!

He should be very proud, the kid has an amazing talent.

I really appreciate it! I'm glad that he's interested in something!

I love it - our eldest daughter is also stubborn and right-brained (Kathy Koch calls this the Art Smart Strong Will!)

I love it! I hope they change the world! Is your daughter a little police officer like my son. He see's wrong in many things except what he does. Kids..

She is more of a dictator mixed with a college professor. But she has actually written me a ticket. She is not even five! I kept the ticket. It had a picture of her and I shaking hands. We doodle a lot. I try to foster that side of her, but man --- she can really take it to task to make her point! So bossy :)

Show them music, but dont pressure them, let them pick an instrument and encourage them to practice, :D

He was playing thw violin. We let him choose it and it was like pulling teeth to get him to play it! He loves listening to music... Old school music from across different genres. I see him becoming his own person now which is pretry cool. He sings in the school choir and he has a nice voice too! I just wish he tried hard. The artwork is the only think he seems dedicated to.

well it is a creative outlet,
,. thats awesome, you sound like a great parent, and influence on the young mind :)

Thanks man! I think sometimes I worry about failing the kids and that pushes me to be more transparent and honest with them.

thats good, at a certain age, you may have to start being a little more strict and represent boundaries, but ultimately i agree, openness, honesty and freedom is a great way to let an intelligent being grow and come into themselves,
cheers @boomerangbread

Thay art is awesome! Lol good for him!
My fiance and I literally just had this discussion on how we are gonna hold ourselves in front of our daughter when she is born:)
Post Well Put

Thank you and congrats on the baby! The little girl will have you eating out of her palm! I tell you, I have gained a bigger appreciation for women and my reapect has grown so much for them since my daughter has been alive. My wife and I try to be as honest as possible with the kids.. I truly want them to have a better life tjan I've had.

I know lol....I hate saying it..but I know she will. That's all that goes through my mind 24/7....and Nikki"s mind (my fiance) is that my daughter will have a much better life then I had! I just hope she can realize that or at least appreciate everything she has! I have always appreciated my mom and what she sacrificed and did, but the appreciation has definitely grown for woman as a whole:) Thankyou for the congrats, I will definitely keep following you!

Likewise my friend. I look forward to seeing the little lady when she gets here! Soon to be the proudest moment of your life.

Women - we work SO hard! It is tireless and it MUST be done with a glad heart, marriage and parenting I mean. A cord of three strands doesn't unwind very easily. I sometimes call my mom and apologize for being a jerk in teen years; then she apologizes for feeling like she didn't do enough. We need men who stand beside us and encourage us. We reciprocate well. Words can breathe life into your home. But words cannot be retracted when spoken. You all will be great parents. Do you have a Steem onesie yet?!

Wow, @cdwyatt....nothing but truth right there. Everything you said was straight to the point, and I have no response but "Hell Yes" to that. Thankyou, and the game will change if I find a steemit onsie.:)

Family is the best gift in life. I'll keep eyes out for one of need some clothes for the new Steem engine.

Get him started early, good for him.
(I'm not a parent, but here are my thoughts.) I was just like him, lazy and didn't like school, but extremely intelligent. Wish I had your parenting style in my household. Things would of been different now in my life thats for sure.My father had the same aspirations, for me, that you do for your child, he just didn't have the time or the tools to implement them. He's lucky to have you man, you seem like a great dad, and you and your wife's parenting techniques seem great! I wish, I Grew up in a household like yours! Not saying mine was bad at all, just complementing you! Keep those books a flowing! That's one thing I wish I did more at an early age, was read.
Steem on Brother!
Peace be with you!

Dude, that brought tears to my eyes! Thanks man! I try to be the greatest man he knows. I know now that different kids need different things to motivate them. I just hope he's paying attention and follows my good habits!

"I try to be the greatest man he knows.." continue to do that, and I'm sure everything will be perfect. Yeah that's true everybody learns in different ways! You're already ahead for acknowledging that!

I appreciate it!

Seems like more a problem of focus than laziness. It is frustrating, but he will turn out just fine. You just have to keep yourself from going crazy in the meantime. Work ethic and curiosity in the long run will take him farther than straight A's. I have a 30 year old very successful son who was a "lazy" B-C student. Keep the faith.

Thank you! Sometimes I wonder if he'll ever get his act together, but I realize that fussing at him does nothing. Most punishments dobnothing for him. The only thing I can do is motivate him and give him extra love. What frustrates me the most is when he lies.. I always tell him not to lie and he still does it. I guess it's a kid thing.

It is a kid thing. The love part is the best strategy.

We all come around when we need to.....we are unique individuals. Important to have parents who both level with us and meet us halfway sometimes.

I couldn't have said it any better!

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