Hallo friend steemian!!! I steemian, I @boncel together again on this occasion I will recount the 10 strongest tankers in mobile hero legends. The tank is one type of hero who has high defensive in MOBA, including Mobile Gaming Legends. The tank can receive greater damage among other type of hero. The player tanks must have a soul "dare to die for the team", especially to protect the hero a marksman is the key of a team. In addition, the average tank hero have the ability at the time of initiationteamfight or war and become a shield for the team di barisan future. With a skill possessed by hero tank, can be used as combo time of war or at the time you keep the turret along with the other heroes.
We'll give you some of the best tank according to the combo team I can you use when war or a teamfight.

The Minotaur has a skill-a very strong skill as a fashion Rage, Despair Hammer, Motivation and Minoan Fury Roar. With the skill he has made the Minotaur can be used alongside other heroes such as the combo of Aurora.
The way his combo was the first you must enable the Pride of Ice skill (skill passive) Aurora and Rage Mode the Minotaur. Use the Minoan Fury skill (skill 3 Minotaur) to make the enemy stun reduction movement.
Then you use the Coldness Destroy skill (skill 3 Aurora) to freeze enemies. You can also use the Bitter Frost (skill 2 Auroral) and launched the Frost Shock (skill 1 Aurora) to memborbardir the enemy. Last use Despair Hammer (skill 1 Minotaur) to end.
So when sorted to:
Rage Mode + Skill 3 (the Minotaur) > Pride of Ice + Skill 3 (Aurora) > Skill 2 (Aurora) > Skill 1 (Aurora) > Skill 1 (Minotaur)

For you who want to make you become more powerful Minotaur, please use the build item recommendation that I give.

To build a more powerful Aurora, please you use item recommendation that I give.

As it known combo Tigreal and Aurora is the most lethal. With skill-skill of Tigreal and Aurora can make the enemy die quickly.
How to use a combo of both this hero is, make sure the Pride of Ice (skill passive Aurora) is active. Use the spell flick on Tigreal to approach the enemy, then use the Sphere (skill 3 Tigreal) to collect the enemy and make the effects of stun.
Make the enemy compelled towards the Aurora using skill Sacred Hammer (+ 2 Tigreal). Use the Coldness of Destruction (skill 3 Aurora) to freeze enemies, attack the enemy using Bitter Frost (skill 2 Auroral) and Frost Shock (skill 1 Aurora).
When the enemy is still strong and managed to escape, use Attack Wave (+ 1 Tigreal) to slow down the movement and end.
So when sorted to:
Flick + Skill 3 (Tigreal > Skill 2 (Tigreal) > Skill 3 (Aurora) > Skill 2 (Aurora) > Skill 1 (Aurora) > Skill 1 (Tigreal)

For you who want to make Tigreal become stronger, please use the recommendations build items that I provide.

To build a more powerful Aurora, please you use item recommendation that I give.

With a skill belonging to Grock and strong resistance to damage from Moskov, create a second hero of this combo can be used in combat.
The way his combo skill use is Power of Nature (skill 1 Grock) to slow the enemy, then use the guardian's Barrier (skill 2 Grock) to form the walls of the barrier so that the enemy does not run.
Use the Abyss Walker (skill 1 Moskov) to approaching enemies, and then remove the Spear of Death (skill 2 Moskov) to make the enemy stun. Use Wild Charge (skill 3 Grock) to hit the enemy, which was followed by the Spear of Destruction (skill 3 Moskov) to end.
So when sorted to:
Skill 1 (Grock) > Skill 2 (Grock) > Skill 1 (Moskov) > Skill 2 (Moskov) > Skill 3 (Grock)> Skill 3 (Moskov)

For you who want to make the Grock become stronger against attack, please use the build item recommendation that I give.

If you want to make more you overpower Moskov, please use the build item recommendation that I give.

Hero tankers originating from Indonesia turned out when combined with Eudora, could make a deadly combo..
How to use the combo he use Electric Arrow (skill 2 Eudora) to make the enemy stun. Then remove the skill the Avatar of the Guardian (skill 3 Ghatotkacha) to add blood and reduce stun enemies.
While Ghatotkacha issued Avatar of Guardian, Eudora can also issue the United Lightning skill (skill 1 Eudora) and Thunderstruck (skill 3 Eudora) to make the blood of the enemy dying. 5 enemies with skill Blast Iron Fist (skill 1 Ghatotkacha).
So when sorted to:
Skill 2 (Eudora) > Skill 3 (Ghatotkacha) > Skill 1 (Eudora) > Skill 3 (Eudora) > Skill 1 (Ghatotkacha)

If you want to make more use of Ghatotkacha overpower build a recommendation that I give.

When you want to create the power of magic from Eudora more powerful, use the build a recommendation that I give.

The combo of both this hero you can apply at the time of gameplay. How to use a combo of both this hero is. ..
First you have to spend skill Rapid Touchdown (skill 3 Jhonson) and then into the body of Karrie Jhonson. Then, ye collision toward the enemy in order to be exposed tothe effects of stun.
Use the Speedy Lightwheel (skill 3 Karrie) to hit the enemy. By the time the enemy were beating Karrie, use Iron Sack (skill 1 Jhonson) and Missile Tackle (skill 2 Jhonson) to help kill Karrie opponents.
So when sorted to:
Skill 3 (Johnson) > Skill 3 (Karrie) > Skill 1 (Johnson) > Skill 2 (Johnson)

In order for the hero you become stronger Jhonson, please use the build item recommendation that I give

So more Karrie overpower you, please use the build I have recommend.

Combo Hilda and Cyclops was the next order that needs you know. As it known Hilda has the Blessing of Wilderness skill (skill passsive) which makes it immune while in the bushes.
Well, how to use his combo was the first attempt you fight in the bushes so that passive skill Hilda was active. Use of Ritual Combat skill (skill 1 Hilda) to pursue and give effect to slow the enemy. Then remove the skill Star Power Lockdown (skill 3 Cyclops) so that the enemy does not blur.
Attack using planet's Attack (skill 2 Cyclops) and the Art of Hunting (skill 2 Hilda) to make the enemy's HP decreases. Finish off with the Power of Wildness (skill 3 Hilda) and Stardust Shock (skill 1 Cyclops)
So when sorted to:
Skill 1 (Hilda) > Skill 3 (Cyclops) > Skill 2 (Cyclops) > Skill 2 (Hilda) > Skill 3 (Hilda) +1st Skill (Cyclops)

So you have the power that Hilda is more powerful, please you use build items thatI provide.

So that you become more powerful Cyclops, please you use build items that I provide.

For this time the combo, need assistance or wall turret in order to be implemented. How to use his combos are:
First of all the most important is ensuring Pride of Ice (skill passive Aurora) is active. Then you use the Thousand Pounder (skill 1 Akai) to jump to the back of the enemy.Then you use the Hurricane Dance (skill 3 Akai) to push the enemy towards the wall.
At the moment the enemy driven ketembok, use the Coldness of Destruction (skill 3Aurora) to freeze enemies. Attack the enemy using Bitter Frost (skill 2 Auroral) and Frost Shock (skill 1 Aurora). Finish off with a basic attack or Blender skill (skill 2 Akai).
So when sorted to:
Skill 1 (Akai) > Skill 3 (Akai) > kill 3 (Aurora) > Skill 2 (Aurora) > Skill 1 (Aurora) > Basic Attack or Skill 2 (Akai)

So you have a Akai a stronger power, please you use build items that I provide.

To build a more powerful Aurora, please you use item recommendation that I give.

Furthermore there is a combo of Chou and Saber. How to use his combos are:
Use the Jeet Kune Do (skill 1 Chou) twice, reserving the latter to attack the enemy. Using Shunpo (skill 2 Chou) to move to the rear of the enemy. Attack using the rest of the Jeet Kune Do last to make flying a British enemy.
When the enemies are, remove the aerial skill The Way of the Dragon (skill 3 Chou) to kick the enemy towards Saber. When Chou pulled out The Way of the Dragon, Saber should issue a Triple Sweep (skill 3 Saber). When the enemy was about to run off, use the Flying Sword (skill 1 Saber) to end.
So when sorted to:
Skill 1 (Chou) > Skill 2 (Chou) > Skill 1 (Chou) > Skill 3 (Chou) > Skill 3 (Saber) > Skill1 (Saber)

In order for item Chou you powerful, please use items that I recommend.

In order for item Saber you more pain, please use those items that I give.

The second combo hero is needed the expertise of nge-hook and the right timing. How to use the combo was ...
First you must use Iron Hook (skill 1 Franco) to attract the enemy, be sure not to miss. Then, use the Flip Spear (skill 1 Zilong) to attract the enemy more backwards.
Stun the enemy using Brutal Massacre (skill 3 Franco) so that the enemy does not run. When Franco issued a Brutal Massacre, Zilong hit the enemy using skill Supreme Warrior (skill 3) so that the enemy quickly dies.
When an enemy is about to run, finish off with a Fury of Shock (skill 2 Franco) and Spear Strike (skill 2 Zilong).
So when sorted to:
Skill 1 (Franco) > Skill 1 (Zilong) > Skill 3 (Franco) > Skill 3 (Zilong) > Skill 2 (Franco) + 2nd Skill (Zilong)

If you want to make Franco a strong defend have, please use the items that I recommend.

To create a powerful attack have Zilong, please use those items that I give.

Next there is a combo of Balmond and Eudora. As we know, Balmond is semi-hero tank that has a powerful force. To use combo, please moved down yaa ...
First stun the enemy using Electric Arrow (skill 2 Eudora). Then use the Cylone Sweep (skill 2 Balmond) to deliver damage. While Balmond issued a Cyclone Sweeps, Eudora can strike enemies using United Lightning (skill 1 Eudora) and Thunderstruck (skill 3 Eudora).
When an enemy is about to escape, catch up using Soul Lock (skill 1 Balmond) and end with a Lethal Counter (skill 3 Balmond).

To create a powerful attack have Balmond, please use those items that I give.

So Eudora you could give more damage magic overpower you, please use the build I have recommend.