Attrace will Implement Affiliate Marketing Concepts with Blockchain

in #attrace6 years ago (edited)

With the rapid development of the Internet digital platforms have emerged as a vital tool for digital marketing, providing an opportunity to turn customers into affiliates. Since the number of communication channels has expanded, organizations should consider their representation on a range of portals, including advertisements and link building. Large E-Commerce companies are an outstanding example representing a successful implementation of the revenue model while building a part of their sales volume on affiliate sites linking into them. At the same time, digital landscape has revealed a tendency for decreasing number of intermediaries in the value chain between publishers and marketers.

Attrace elaborates a blockchain platform for the use in digital advertising, introducing a new business model for the sales channel management. Thus, each response to the ad campaign provided with a click will be stored on a chain with a system of smart contracts.

The challenge of optimizing affiliate marketing

Managing the growing cost and complexity of the intermediary services has become one of the main hindrances for businesses to launch the affiliate campaign. Attrace will adopt its blockchain infrastructure to considerably greater functionality to process and store information on each data transaction as well as measure analyze campaigns efficiency.

While traditional approach to affiliate marketing presupposes that the publishers are rewarded only when a customer purchases products or subscribes for supply of the services, Attrace will store every transaction performed with a click even if this action doesn't necessarily lead to a sale.

Attrace will enable communication between publishers and merchants with its messaging board, specifically designed to negotiate on the contract terms. Merchants will be able to select some publishers, check their reputation and offer them participation in their affiliate programs. Publishers, in turn, can decide on whether to accept or reject the offer. At the initial stage all commissions will be charged in fiat and will not exceed 0.001 USD for publishers. Alongside paying a commission to a publisher, merchants will transfer a small amount of ATTR tokens to the Attrace Network as a fee after the first six months of the commission-free use. At a later stage all commissions will be offered in ATTR tokens.

Token Sale Plan

Public ICO will start on September 1, 2018 and end on October 27, 2018.

The number of projects that use blockchain as a means to improve digital marketing has been steadily increasing in response to new mediating tasks in the field of E-Commerce. Conversely, affiliate marketing has also caused several detriments with clicks forcing and spamming included in the list.

In attempt to create a reliable network, Attrace will allow for checking both merchant's and publisher's reputations before entering into contractual relationships. With a system of low commissions, Attrace intends to improve the perception of affiliate marketing both by merchants and providers. Thus, the commission rate isn't a single factor that involves the decision making, but alongside the reputation the one of the equal value. Additionally, Attrace will extend the range of its services with advertising analytics.



 "This article was created in exchange for a potential token reward through Bounty0x" 

This review by Bonanza Kreep is all opinion and analysis, not investment advice.


Great information sir as very few people know about affiliated marketing concept that is also a way to earn online. If have time kindly check my blog and if looks nice then you may upvote me as well.

Thank you for your interest in this project. What's important is that Attrace will implement a modified affiliate marketing model and this is a crucial point for the whole concept.

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