colorchallenge greenthursday soon it will be yellow

in #colorchallenge7 years ago

the leafs on the trees soon will change to yellow , the end of summer is coming and so are the mushrooms , leafs will change colors and start dropping on the ground again.
Sony A6000 + helios 44-2


Mushrooms! Yes please :D

This is delightful! Such wonderful light on this. I can hardly contain myself just thinking about all those beautiful mushrooms coming our way!

i hope i can find time for them during the move from one place to another

Hire two movers from a day worker place and they will save your back and do it pretty quick

we hire the movers alright , but still on tight budget.
But packing things and select what to keep and what not .. so time consuming
then i need to point new house make sure all internet connections are up and running , and unpack things again and decide where to put them ,,,

after that comes the time where did i put that did we keep it or .... ?? :)

I really can understand. The job has moved me 4 times in the last ten years. sigh I hope this is a long, long lease! I found out I will most likely move again, but not for 1- 1 1|2 years. I should start sorting now.

This is going to be our fifth move since 1997, so we do have some experience :)

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