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RE: QANON: The Serious Shit That's Going Down You WON'T See On TV...?

in #qanon6 years ago

Ok, Anonymous asks for a proof. 0 minute delta, sent from 2 devices in 2 time zones, one of them being a trump tweet at the exact time ...

At this stage, if Q is fake, it is far more impressive than if it's like you insinuate that it is a series of scammers.


Half way through reading the article I was picturing a debunking post on this thread somewhere, thinking I wonder how hard this will be hit.

Would you not suppose that if what Q Anon says is true then those in question will throw everything they have into convincing you this is all bullshit? If anyone accuses you of something, you defend your self, the people in question own or run the main stream media which if this is all true is how they manage to get away with it. They are the main stream media, the people doing the debunking (not small scale individuals who side with it) are largely the people being targeted by Q Anon.

I have seen debunking vidoes- as i am one to check out both sides and then make a decision- where they mention several warnings that did not transpire, and this is meant to support that it's all a sham????

Look at the ridiculousness of the scale of what Q Anon are trying to do, momentum is growing they have got to throw out some red herrings.

I do think most likely some things have been over exaggerated, this is juicy for conspiracy theorists, but one is mistaken to think that it is only conspiracy theorists behind this. This is opening the minds of many and is being supported by many in and out of the 'conspiracy' realm.

It is kinda funny, because Q has posted some days where there were 50-100 articles written all the same day with the same / similar headlines across competing media outlets. ALL trying to discredit something that was done by some kids in their parents basements....

There have been so many things that have been done as proofs, that it makes the floundering to try and discredit a LARP even more confirmation. Streisand effect built in.

They are their own worst enemies.

Any of you who continue to support fake Q from Q Research board and the fake larp need to see the blog posts I have made AND WAKE UP for heaven´s sake!

You need to get yourself out of low-theta, bro.

You need to get out of darkness and come to the light of truth.

I've been awake for 20 years now... I know where we would be had Clinton won.

Even if Q is fake; Trump is not...
If Q is fake, then Trump is the best leader in a generation.
If Q is real, then Trump is set to be the greatest leader in modern history.

Unfortunately for you, there is far more proof that Q is real and NOT a LARP than the evidence suggesting it is a fake.

Unfortunately for you, there is far more proof that Q is fake and NO PROOF that Q is real. And what do you mean by real? If I say Q is a black hat agent of disinfo, an infiltrator into the truther movement, mixing truth with lies, and controlled opposition, then yes that Q is real. If you say Q is a legit government MIL Intel leaker, then that Q is fake, does not exist. I have provided hundreds of posts, articles, and material to prove that Q is a liar, a fake, a larp and not what you believe it is. Read and study up on my material and escape the ignorance.

Mother Liberty.

Yes, you've posted a great deal of information.

The thing is; you are going with the "whack-a-mole" approach, as evidence comes up you refute that evidence. If you really take the time to look through, you may realize where your various explanations create an incoherent story that becomes self-refuting when applied to the available facts.


Massive respect for objectively calling this out so perfectly-articulated.

See my comment up towards the top and my latest two posts, explaining why it may appear incoherent to you. SEE MY POST ABOVE IN ALL CAPS. I have tried to explain it all more clearly here also:

The fake Q larp Exposed.

Evidence of Who Fake Q really Is. Clowns Involvement Exposed!

MSM debunks Q as part of the HEGELIAN DIALECTIC. Two apparently opposing sides fight with each other to make it look like they are on opposite teams. They both tell us to trust SESsions, the ones leading the coup to take-out Trump. Fake Q failed. Fake Q = Quantum +Pamphlet and all the other scammers.

Evidence of Who Fake Q really Is. Clowns Involvement Exposed!

You've got your reasons for believing what you do and that's all good. Duality is law and there must be an opposing side with everything, you're fulfilling your role here. What @rok-sivante has done with this blog is presented information about a topic which may be tainted by his perspectives and consciousness, as much as he endeavours to not write in this manner and from where I am reading he has not, you come along and spout 'Blatant Lie' insinuating he is a liar, which reflects that you're actually far more emotionally attached to your opinions than he is, you're taking it to a personal level. Why is that? What would it mean to you if all this were true?


You're stating things as fact's as if you know better, when in actual fact none of us know, and he has even reiterated this himself. If you just chimed in with a counter argument i probably would not have commented, it's not your opinion i have an issue with, it is your approach.

No one will give credence to any information you share if your approach is to drive insults and claim facts when this is impossible. We have viewed this information in light of our perspectives and understanding which lead us to lean more to the side of there might be something to this, how interesting, lets watch, and the sharing of information on the topic in, as far as is reasonably possible, an unbiased manner.

You with your perspectives which i am not saying are incorrect, have your own reasons for leaning towards the other side, and that's cool man.

You don't need to drop in throwing insults and false facts around as if you KNOW the truth, you simply have an opinion, and are sharing information to back up your opinion which is fair, but are somehow deluded into believing this must be truth because this or that segment of information aligns with your personal stance. You're actually doing what you're criticising him for? Which in his case was a slight error of expression where he has clearly been very cautious on the whole. You probably only seek information which confirms your stance, ignoring everything that contradicts it.

NONE of us know, not you, not me, not anyone reading or following this. Only time will tell, be interesting if shit does hit the fan for you to come back to this thread and continue the discussion, IF it transpires I would be very interested to talk to you then.


You're stating things as fact's as if you know better, when in actual fact none of us know, and he has even reiterated this himself. If you just chimed in with a counter argument i probably would not have commented, it's not your opinion i have an issue with, it is your approach.


It's Truth in your opinion mate, this is the point you are so massively missing.

Truth is not relativistic, it is absolute. You cannot take evidence that something is fake, and take the truth that has been presented and then make it relative. You are living in a world of relativism where you think there is no absolute, no truth, no lies. Get out of your dream state and come to the light. If the biggest lie ever told on 4-chan now starts being believed by millions, it is not bad for me to accuse someone of presenting blatant lies nor accusing those who give credence to such lies. I am actually doing humanity a favor. So anyone who writes an article such as this one, by promoting lies, is doing humanity a dis-favor and needs to be called out for it. We do not tolerate lies and deception and truth is absolute, not relative and does not depend on opinion. What I have presented IS NOT MY OPINION, IT IS FACTS BASED UPON ALMOST A YEAR OF RESEARCH ON THE PART OF MANY PEOPLE. WE HAVE PROVEN AS FACT THAT Q IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST INTERNET SCAMS BEING PERPETRATED BY 8-CHAN TROLLS AND AGENTS OF INFILTRATION AND DECEPTION THAT HUMANITY HAS EVER SEEN! PERIOD! WHY ARE YOU SO HARD OF HEARING?

This is an example of how your "PROOF" comes across:

Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at 9.16.27 AM.png



Where We Go One, We Go All!

Where We Go One Following Fake Q, We Go ALL!!


That is a sad desperate mis-characterization of the material I present, based upon your distorted, naive, ignorant pre conceived ideas and desire to slander anyone who exposes your lies. Nice try shill but your ignorance is obvious. Come out of your darkness and into the light. Be deceived no longer. I am only trying to help all to see the truth and to escape the deep darkness into which you have fallen. Take heed and stop promoting lies!


Thanks for helping start my days off with some good, hearty laughs. 🙏💖

I was simply offering honest feedback: that is how some of your presentations come across. I don’t doubt there may be some merit to what you’ve researched, though the presentation of it is not effectively working.

I edited my comment above in ALL CAPS to explain why it may not seem all clear. This is a work in progress and is intended for other researchers. My two latest posts explain it all more clearly:

This is an example of how your proof comes across:

"Rock Larpante".


Your "debunking" attempts would hold more weight if your conclusions were not impossible...

What seems impossible to one, because of his bubble mentality, is actually the truth.


I'll give you some advice; use logic better.

I give you some advice. I am great at logic. Nice try to spam me with lies.

Not helpful when you are misapplying a term as simple as logic. ;);)

You are not being helpful when you are not able to analyze the logic and proof I have presented and then attempt to downgrade me by claiming I am misapplying the term logic. You will not prove your Q larp with semantic battles and false accusations. Nice try but again, you failed.

I'll give you some advice; use logic better.


I´ll give you some advice, don´t try to argue for Q or attack others based upon your own semantics and illusions of deception. You attempt to paint pictures and images of others, using distorted definitions, deluded perspectives and deceptive representations, as an attempt to slander others and diminish the truth they present. Rather then convincing me that your Q is real with arguments, and proving my arguments wrong, all you have left is to attempt to slander and smear others or use your steemit power to reduce the standing of others. You are not willing to fight on a level playing field and are simply using your Steem power to attempt to destroy others. Your tactics of deception, slander and unfair dirty play are quite obvious.

I was never trying to prove to anyone that Q ever was real.

Nor was attempting at any point to prove your arguments wrong.

Rock larpante says "AMEN". The yoke is on you..


Two devices - easy. Two time zones easy with proxies and vpns. Trump Twitter connection has already been explained by UNIrock videos and the Murk Murk e-mails he received. Even Roy Potter knows about the fake Q Trump Twitter fake connection and how they ran the scam.

M. Liberty.

This is the same mistake as the 9-11 debunkers; facts get pointed out, so they go off to explain that one detail Never considering how that fits into the larger picture... In the end, if the justifications get tracked, eventually it becomes easy to spot how the debunking becomes self-refuting.


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