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RE: QANON: The Serious Shit That's Going Down You WON'T See On TV...?

in #qanon6 years ago

I've been awake for 20 years now... I know where we would be had Clinton won.

Even if Q is fake; Trump is not...
If Q is fake, then Trump is the best leader in a generation.
If Q is real, then Trump is set to be the greatest leader in modern history.

Unfortunately for you, there is far more proof that Q is real and NOT a LARP than the evidence suggesting it is a fake.


Unfortunately for you, there is far more proof that Q is fake and NO PROOF that Q is real. And what do you mean by real? If I say Q is a black hat agent of disinfo, an infiltrator into the truther movement, mixing truth with lies, and controlled opposition, then yes that Q is real. If you say Q is a legit government MIL Intel leaker, then that Q is fake, does not exist. I have provided hundreds of posts, articles, and material to prove that Q is a liar, a fake, a larp and not what you believe it is. Read and study up on my material and escape the ignorance.

Mother Liberty.

Yes, you've posted a great deal of information.

The thing is; you are going with the "whack-a-mole" approach, as evidence comes up you refute that evidence. If you really take the time to look through, you may realize where your various explanations create an incoherent story that becomes self-refuting when applied to the available facts.


Massive respect for objectively calling this out so perfectly-articulated.

See my comment up towards the top and my latest two posts, explaining why it may appear incoherent to you. SEE MY POST ABOVE IN ALL CAPS. I have tried to explain it all more clearly here also:

The fake Q larp Exposed.

Evidence of Who Fake Q really Is. Clowns Involvement Exposed!

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