Turtles on the Homestead? Say What?!!??!!

in #animals7 years ago


Fellow Steemians in Steemit Nation!

Updating you from Jack Spirko's command center deep in the heart of Texas.

Earlier today I was attending a seminar on aquaponics being presented by David Seigler.


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I was truly interested in everything he had to say, but quite honestly, I'm not ready to incorporate any sort of aquaponics into my homestead. As he spoke, my mind drifted for a bit, thinking on other things. But then he showed a picture of a large tortoise and said it was his pet and lawn mower. It was completely out of the blue and not quite on topic, but it was cool.

Needless to say, but that really peeked my attention.

Mr. Seigler then began to explain that his pet, a Sulcata Tortoise, also known as an African Spurred Tortoise, is like a Roomba for his lawn. It requires little to no maintenance and adds a unique feature to anyones homestead.

Re, he, eaally?!


The wheels in my brain started turning and I thought to myself

Self. This would make an awesome pet for our homestead.
Yes, Self, I do concur.
Yes, excellent...

So I did a little research on them.

  • Did you know that these tortoise can live for 70 - 100 years? I sure didn't.

  • Did you also know that these cool little creatures don't need ponds or seas to live? Nope, they are Savannah animals.

  • They do need to live in an environment that stays between 70 and 100 degrees, however.

Living in the Ozarks of Arkansas, the temperatures will drop down to the single digits on some nights in the winter.

I was bummed.

This beautiful creature apparently just wouldn't work on my land.

But then I realized, as I sat in 40 degree weather, that Mr. Seigler had this animal as a pet right in this area. Ah, ha!

If he could do it, then so could I!

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I asked him what he did to help the Sulcata Tortoise survive these cold temperatures.

His answer was quite simple.

He made a burrow with a heat lamp in the bottom of it and wired in an automatic temperature switch. When the ambient temperature inside the burrow dropped below 70 degrees, the lamp would turn on and the Tortoise would then have the ability to self-regulate it's body temperature.


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I really want one!

So, what do you think fellow Steemians?

Should the @bluerthangreen homestead add an African Spurred Tortoise?

Do you think @allforthegood will allow it?

Let me know in the comments below!

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Thanks for Reading!

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As Always,

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Ive always been interested in Tortoise's just because of their long lifespan, I say go for it.

@daddykirbs has a few at his place! So go for it!

hmmmm. looks like i need to communicate with @daddykirbs for his wisdom on the matter. Thanks.

Guy we had the wrong Amish goat idea this whole time... We could have used Turtles!

My neighbor has one of these tortoises and that is the most bull headed thing I've ever met. Though he's a perfect gentleman if you allow him to have his way, haha.

get a couple and rent one out to Papa,
saves doing the lawns.

I could start a lawn maintenance business with turtles. Great idea.

The verdict is still out. How do the dogs feel about it? And how does the turtle feel about dogs?

I guess we'll have to get one and find out.

I think you should go for it.

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