New Block'tivity Website !!!

in #blocktivity4 years ago (edited)



First of all, I admire the patience of the people who have followed the evolution of Blocktivity. We announced 20 months ago that a new version was coming ... and here we finally are!


Why so much time?

In order to create a new website that suits the standard of a cool crypto website, I couldn't keep using my very basic PHP/HTML/CSS skills and needed to upgrade. In these last 20 months, I've learned how to manage a Linux server, a web server, to code in JS, to use Node.JS, Vue.JS, Nuxt.JS, and Vuetify.
With all these new tools I was ready to code!

As you probably know, I've intended to open source Blocktivity and build the new version as a community effort but even though lots of people show a great motivation to help at first ... not much came out of it.

I abandoned the idea of collective development and went back on coding it by myself but ... I found someone that had cool ideas and had compatible skills to help me build it.


Blocktivity is no longer a one-man effort but a majestic and beautiful team of 2 people now ^^

I present to you @DestBest, he is now officially a co-founder of Blocktivity. You can find him in the Blocktivity group on Telegram.
We will now both work on improving Blocktivity and give you the best experience possible.

What about the new version?

The original idea was to scan blocks of each blockchain to get as much information as possible but it is no longer possible.
First, not all blockchains have APIs that give full blocks and we can't run a node for each chain we have (and the ones we will add).
Secondly, it is way too much data passing through the bandwidth when you dig into chains like EOS.


The solution is to have this new version in between the final objective. This version is a big improvement from the old website but still could have more information. This will come later when Blocktivity gains reputation and we will be able to work with the block explorers of each blockchain to have a Blocktivity standard corpus of metrics that will be compared between chains.

Meanwhile, we will be adding as many chains as we can so your experience also keeps improving in the meantime. We will probably also add charts and tools that will help with understanding the metrics.

The new website will be in Beta for a week with some charts not having the full range of data they should have.


Feel free to give advice on any aspect of the website that you feel could be improved (data, indexes, style, and design ...). It would be greatly appreciated. As you know, Blocktivity has always shown great appreciation for such feedback and manifested transparency and close proximity to its community.


Cordially, the whole team of Blocktivity, @EstefanTT & @DestBest.

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