Next move on the Rubik's cube.

in GEMS4 years ago

I'm still trying to trace my steps back to when I wore the tin foil hat. Or maybe it was the crack. It could have been the potion I was offered at the anti-vax rally. Did I hit my head somewhere? I have a scar, I could have. Did someone jump start me through my nipples? Crank style? It could be that all the caffeine I consumed has hit me at once and rewired me completely. I'm not sure. But somewhere, somehow, everything's changed. I can't a put a finger on it. But it has changed. Everything has.


The unexplainable theory of how quantum particles, or protons, or whatever it was, reacts differently when being observed in contrast to non being observed has indefinitely opened up so many neuro pathways in my brain. It has legitimately made me go through "mind blown". How could it not? Even light, just light, has been confused for so long and only now is it considered as a particle with mass and not just ray. That's astonishing.

Advancements as such slowly but surely start opening up our understandings of many things. Even in our mundane and uninteresting lives. Couldn't the quantum thing explain why the light only turns green as soon you take your eyes of it? Or how the seconds hand on the clock sticks for way too long on its position as soon as you sit and then moves normally? Wait, that already has a theory.


There's an explanation to everything, and more importantly a reason to everything. There's a route for understanding every single occurance but we are only limited by our knowledge. The same way why we know that knowing yiu are bleeding makes you cry, but not knowing allowed a man to live for a weak with a venomous snake bite. More than the explanation what stands out to me is the reasoning.

Even if we don't understand why and how something happens, we do know it does happen for a reason. Again, limited only to our knowledge.

It's like thinking of everything as a Rubik's cube that is just a bit more abstract than which we know of. Every step reshuffles the cube. It makes it different and in a form of "controlled random". For a person who doesn't know to solve the cube it's just as a mystery as it was in the previous step. But, for a person who knows to solve it it's a calculated step and a successor to the completed and solved cube.


Everything in life is like that. We might not understand what's happening or why it's happening. We might not know what's to come and how will this change. But, we need to believe it's for a reason and it's a step towards something. Maybe even believing its for the good will make it serve the good, just like the theory of the quantum particles.
Now, let me get back to finding what happend to me and how did it all change.


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