
in #news7 years ago

UK COLUMN NEWS YouTube Published 28th September 2017

U K Column News With Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson and a pre recorded video interview with The Duran's Dam Garrie covering the Kurdish positioning and Iraq's authorisation of troop deployment to Kurkuk and Turkeys determination of the Kurdish separatists not be allowed an autonomous state, Explosive Middle East Kurdish complexities + Added extra is twitter censoring the uk column?, Hot potato topics aired today include New Trawler for UK's Fishing Fleet, £20 million Housing benefit 'error', Bank of England (BoE) 20YearsOn framework reflections, UK's QE (quantitative easing) Failure, Google get £31 million back from HMRC (her majesty's revenue Revenue and customs), UK's new European Union membership, What commitments?, (will be) Jam Tomorrow, A miserable cult, What Brexit means for child refugees, Policeman in uniform internet grooming sentencing?, 11 year-old girl consensual sex with 28 year-old Man, The Times - smearing of Chief constable Mike Veale and Robert Green - letter read out on air, Wilfred Wong Satanist Ritual Abuse (SRA), Run - Hide - Tell, Building UK's snitch Society, Prevent Strategy, Portishead shooting - non police weapon? - found at scene and Summary execution definition.
'BBC NEWS (Northern Ireland) 28th September 2017: New £30m trawler for fishing fleet
A new £30m trawler bought by a Kilkeel family is an expression of confidence in the future of fishing, according to industry leaders.
However they say it will not be seen in Northern Ireland waters because of a lack of investment in harbour infrastructure.
The 86m-long Voyager is too big to land its catch at Kilkeel Harbour.
A proposed expansion of facilities there has not materialised despite extensive lobbying (link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 28th September 2017: UK Ship Building & Fishing Industry Saved New £30m trawler for fishing fleet
Harbour infrastructure at Kilkeel harbour is unable to take the ship
The 'Voyager' is an expression of confidence in the future of fishing.'
'BBC NEWS (uk) 28th September 2017: £2m housing benefits 'error' by Bridgend council
Housing benefits mispayments totalling £2m may have been made by Bridgend council, a Wales Audit Office report has said.
An estimated £1.9m in underpayments and overpayments were made due to "human error" in 2016-17.
Auditors said the error was "significant" and the council must decide whether to write-off overpayments.
Bridgend council's audit committee will consider the report on Thursday. (link follows) .'
'TWEET BANK OF ENGLAND @bankofengland 7:05 AM 28th September 2017: Live from 3.15pm: @federalreserve Vice Chair Stanley Fischer on the central banking framework.
#20YearsOn (link follows below) '
'BANK OF ENGLAND : Independence 20 Years On Conference
Thursday 28th and 29th September 2017 (1/2 pdf link follows) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 28th September 2017: Theresa May (prime minister): "As one who began her professional life at the Bank of England (BoE) some forty years ago, it is a great pleasure to address this conference today."
'THE MARKET MOGUL 28th September 2017: The Failure Of Quantitative Easing in the UK
Governments prefer there to be just the right amount of growth in an economy – not too much such that inflation spirals out of control but not too little that it leads to stagnation. Their objective is to reach the alleged “Goldilocks economy”; an economy not too hot but not too cold either. (link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 28th September 2017: Theresa May (prime minister): "And globalisation, which has brought us a great many benefits, has also brought changes which have contributed to a wider sense that our economy is not working as it should for everyone in our society."
"Britain sets the global standard for high quality corporate governance.
International firms are attracted to the UK in part because of the strengths of our regulatory system." (high quality?).'
'INDEPENDENT 31st March 2017: Google paid £36 million in tax on UK revenues of £1 billion, reports show
Internet giant is slammed by opposition parties for 'not paying its fair share'
Google paid £36.4 million in tax on revenues of around £1 billion last year, according to its annual reports.
The company returned a pre-tax profit of £148 million for the year ending 30 June 2016, suggesting it paid a corporation tax rate of around 24 per cent.
However, the internet giant’s complex accounting structure has led critics to suggest it actually generates significantly more profit in the UK than it claims. (link follows below) .'
'POLITICS HOME 1st April 2017: HMRC (her majesty's revenue collectors) agreed to repay Google £31 million in corporation tax
The taxpayer was hit with a multi-million pound bill from the global search engine, despite Google enjoying billions in sales in the UK, it has emerged.
Two years after the Government promised to recoup millions in unpaid tax from tech giants, Google ended its tax year with records showing it was due a multi-million pound payment from HMRC.
Google owed £25million in UK corporation tax, which is roughly the same it has owed in previous years. (link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 28th September 2017: Theresa May (prime minister): "So our task is to find a new frameworkj that allows for a close economic partnership. but which holds those rights and obligations in a new and different balance."
David Davies (brexit minister): "The Prime Minister also made it clear that the UK will honour its commitments made during the period of our membership ...We are not yet at the stage of specifying exactly what these commitments are." (what a load of Gobbledygook).'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 28th September 2017: HMS Belfast
new frigate
Michael Fallon (secretary of state for war): "I'm hugely proud that the second name announced of our eighth cutting edge new Type 26 frigates will be (jam tomorrow) HMS Belfast.'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 28th September 2017: HMS Belfast (1938) stands on the River Thames London.'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 28th September 2017: Michael Fallon (secretary of state for war): "Britain has made a major contribution to the campaign that has crippled Daesh since 2014, forcing this miserable cult from the gates of Baghdad to the brink of defeat in Raqqa (boundless untruths).'
'THE DURAN 27th September 2017: BREAKING: Iraq authorises troop deployment in Kirkuk (no link found).'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 28th September 2017: Recorded video interview with The Duran's Dam Garrie on the Kurdish complexities between Iraq, Syria and Turkey, Turkey is determined that the Kurdish separatists will not achieve a self autonomous state.'
'FRANCE 24 English YouTube Published 10th July 2017: EXCLUSIVE - Erdogan warns Kurds: "Don’t dare to seek independence in Iraq and in Turkey!" (3min 40sec link follows)
'THE TELEGRAPH NEWS 28th September 2017: Brexit must mean more, not less for child refugees
As Unicef UK has warned, there are children still in Afghanistan whose homes are lost and embark on a long dangerous journey in search of sanctuary.
There are still children whose parents have been killed in the brutal Syrian war looking for a route out. For those children with family in the UK, family reunion is their best hope to find safety, and their best hope to find a home. (link follows below) .'
'UNICEF (for every child in danger) Stand With Refugee And Migrant Children
Ask Amber Rudd to fix the law keeping refugee families apart (link follows) .'
'INDEPENDENT 3rd September 2017: Hundreds of child refugees have vanished since arriving in the UK, prompting trafficking and abuse fears
Exclusive: Campaigners and MPs say the figures, released to The Independent, show children are being 'failed' by Theresa May's government (link follows) .'

AV8.1 Sunday 8th October 2017 11 AM to 6 PM
Connaught Rooms London WC2B 5DA
Information you need - see link below

Thursday, October 19, 2017 from 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM (BST)
Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue,
WC2H 8EP London United Kingdom Speakers John Pilger investigative journalist, Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire,
Vanessa Beeley Independent Journalist, Peter Ford former UK Ambassador to Syria, Prof Piers Robinson, Prof Tim Hayward & Robert Stuart Journalist Pre ordered tickets £9:00 (link follows)…

Thursday Night Live Programmes
Starts 19:30 followed later by FRACKING NIGHTMARE
Starts 21:00 With Ian R Crane.

UK COLUMN T-Shirt Now Available For Pre-Order

"In War, There are no unwounded Soldiers."
"Copious amounts of civilian Murders."
RECOMMENDED READING  - once put to the fire.
BOOK POLITICAL PONEROLOGY Paperback 1st Apr 2007: Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes
"Political Ponerology is fascinating, essential reading." --Philip Zimbardo, author of The Lucifer Effect "This is an extraordinary book." - Ilan Pappe, author of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine The original manuscript of this book went into the furnace minutes before a secret police raid in Communist Poland. The second copy, painfully reassembled by scientists working under impossible conditions of violence and repression, was sent via courier to the Vatican. Its receipt was never acknowledged - the manuscript and all valuable data lost. In 1984, the third and final copy was written from memory by the last survivor of the original researchers: Andrew Lobaczewski. Zbigniew Brzezinski blocked its publication. (link follows)  
'THE HERALD (Plymouth) 27th September 2017: Devon and Cornwall Police officer sentenced for indecent images and illegal ammunition offences
Jonathan Fulcher made indecent images of a child
Assistant Chief Constable Russ Middleton said: “Jonathan Fulcher has acted in a wholly inappropriate and criminal manner for which he has been sentenced at court today. (only a suspended sentence? - link follows below)  .'
'RT (Russia Today) 28th September 2017: 11yo girl had ‘consensual’ sex with 28yo man, French prosecutors say citing lack of violence
French prosecutors have dropped rape charges against a 28-year-old man who they say did not force a girl of 11 to have sex with him. The incident has sparked mass outrage, with critics saying that consent is not possible at such an age. (Lack of violence what about the violence against her psyche - link follows)  .'
'THE TIMES  24th September 2017: Fresh doubt over Heath sex inquiry
An email links the chief constable heading the paedophilia investigation to a man convicted over false abuse accusations
An email links the chief constable heading the paedophilia investigation to a man convicted over false abuse accusations (link follows)  .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 28th September 2017: Times smears Chief Constable Mike Veale & Robert Green over Heath child abuse investigation.'
'THE TIMES 30th January 2013: The acting editor of The Sunday Times has apologised unreservedly to Jewish community leaders for the “inexcusable timing” of publishing a cartoon they considered deeply offensive on Holocaust Memorial Day.
Martin Ivens met the leaders yesterday afternoon and told them that publishing the cartoon, by Gerald Scarfe, had been a ***terrible mistake***. (link follows below)  .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 28th September 2017: Robert Greens Letter To Editor (Martin Ivens) of the Times on smear of himself and courageous Chief Constable Mike Veale Read out and discussed on air.'
'BLOG TALK RADIO (Freedom Talk Radio) Tomorrow 5:00 pm 28th September 2017: Wilfred Wong Satanist Ritual Abuse (SRA) is rife in Scotland
Call in speak with the host (347) 677-0812 (link follows below)  .'
'THE GUARDIAN UK Security and Counter Terrorism 28th September 2017: RUN HIDE TELL:
Police urge children to 'run, hide, tell' from terror – not take photos
Warning is part of new campaign aimed at ensuring children and teenagers know safety steps for terrorist incidents (video embedded link follows)  .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 28th September 2017: Portishead Shootings: Man dies after police surround car
ipcc letter read out on air - non police weapon at scene?.'
'THE GUARDIAN (Bristol) 27th September 2017: Man dead after police 'surround car and shoot into it' near Bristol
Witness says police shot numerous times then dragged man out of car to try to resuscitate him on road close to M5
“The vehicle left the motorway at junction 19 and officers stopped the car on the A369, known as the Portbury Hundred. Shots were subsequently fired in an incident involving police firearms and a man has died. We referred the incident to the IPCC; they’re now on the scene carrying out an independent investigation, which we are supporting.” (video embedded link follows)  .'
'BBC NEWS (Bristol) 27th September 2017: Portishead shooting: Man dies after police surround car
A man has died in a shooting involving armed police at a junction of the M5 motorway near Bristol.
Officers fired shots at a car on the Portbury Hundred (A369) near junction 19 for Portishead at about 09:30 BST, an eyewitness told the BBC.
Avon and Somerset Police said it acted following reports of a man in a car with a handgun.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission said there were reports "he had threatened another motorist". (link follows)  .'
'IPCC Independent Police Complaints Commission 27th September 2017: ipcc Commissioner Cindy Butts "At this stage we are currently investigating the circumstances of the incident and no individual police officer is under investigation"
What appears to be a ***non-police issue firearm*** was found at the scene and will also be subject to examination. (link follows)  .'
'IPCC Independent Police Complaints Commission                                    A guide to IPCC independent investigations No publish date found September 2017: ---➣What does the IPCC do?
Funded by the Home Office, we carry out our own independent investigations into
the most serious complaints and incidents involving the police. ---➣We are completely independent of the police and the government.
Who carries out IPCC investigations?
The IPCC has its own investigators who carry out independent investigations.
IPCC commissioners, or a suitable nominated delegate, oversee all investigations.
In the most serious cases, thecommissioner is directly responsible for key decisions during the investigation. In other cases, the commissioner may delegate these decisions to appropriate roles within the organisation. Commissioners come from a range of backgrounds. --➣**By law,they can never have worked for the police** (1/2 pdf link follows below)  .'
'IPCC Independent Police Complaints Commission No publis date found September 2017: Cindy Butts Commissioner:
Cindy Butts became an IPCC Commissioner in December 2012.  Cindy has responsibility for City of London, BTP, Metropolitan Police Service cases, Avon and Somerset, Port of Bristol, Devon & Cornwall and Dorset forces. Like all operational Commissioners, Cindy is responsible for providing independent oversight of and taking ultimate responsibility for IPCC investigations, casework and the promotion of public confidence in the complaints system.
From 2000 to 2012, Cindy was an independent --➣member of the Metropolitan Police Authority***; during this period she served as its Deputy Chair for four years. During that time, she participated in many areas of police oversight, including chairing the Race and Faith inquiry into the Metropolitan Police. More recently, she has been chair of the Crown Prosecution Service Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel in London, responsible for identifying strengths and weaknesses in the prosecution of hate crimes. (link follows)  .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 28th September 2017: SUMMERY EXECUTION: When a person is accused of a crime and then Immediately killed without a trial --➣ Portishead Police Shooting.'
'TWITTER PAGE SGT HARRY TANGYE @DC_ARVSgt Joined October 2009: Winner Best Police Twitter 2016 ARV Sergeant in D&C. Operational Firearms Commander, Tactics Advisor (Firearms and Pursuit) VIP (link follows)  .'
'TWEET SGT HARRY TANGYE @DC_ARVSgt 5:51 AM 27th September 2017: BBC News - Portishead shooting: Man dies after police surround car (link follows below)  .'
All this with much more and in-depth News Reports, Analysis from your Non-plastic real deep thinking human presenters Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson who together are shining the light of Truth & Exposure into the darkness of War, Criminality, Sex abuse,  Paedophilia, Murder, State Child Snatching, Treason, Whistleblowers, propaganda, skulduggery  and dealing with the over exposed mainstream media's untruths, twists and their Obfuscations.
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Blackhole Bridger.

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