Like 9:11 truth,, Yoga and health are about the Math and facts

in #yoga7 years ago

I turned to fitness at a young age to find answers,, to find the truth just like finding the truth about 9/11 which STILL has not had a proper investigation!
The "family" is the micro of the macro. It was Clear to me early on, to my gut, THE BODY AND NATURE DOES NOT LIE, that what I was being told about what was right in front of me, that I lived and was a witness to was watered down, covered up, a LIE.
I lived in blatant abuse and neglect and have tried to talk about it so we could all DEAL with and ADDRESS it and turn things around! But, all people were interested in was minimizing and covering up.

What my gut knew and felt was telling me something OTHER than what those around me,, "family" and "neighbors" who played the situation down, minimized the effects, made excuses for the Abuser, allowed the innocent to take on the bill, etc.
I've done the MATH about the Abusive "family" my ENTIRE LIFE. The TRUTH and FACTS that no one ever wanted to look at and admit, never mind take action to change.
HOW CAN WE NOT BE IN THE PLACE WE ARE TODAY with that kind of behavior? Those in "power" were CLEARLY not qualified, not Real Adults and had a BLATANT DISREGARD for how I was treated and raised. The attitude of EVERYONE,, "neighbors", "relatives" was the same. People had NO respect or value for the life they created and acted like they could do what ever they wanted. NO Real effort was made to do the right thing and treat the totally innocent with the respect and worth they deserved.
If the most innocent can feel this way in a place and around people they should feel the MOST protected and valued,, Something is VERY WRONG! Especially when everyone acted as if Nothing was wrong. People accept such a LOW BAR,, is a Reflection of this entire country!
People have gotten TOO USED TO the LOW BAR of the "family" and treating those who are inheriting this country and world like the emotional garbage dump instead of passing down worth and value to them.
If anyone can feel completely abandoned and terrified around "family" and "neighbors" at a young age,, then it's ABSOLUTELY TRUE that that is the Micro of the MACRO of what is going on on a larger scale in this country! IT's NOT brain surgery!
At the very least,, if the "family" was abusive then, relatives and neighbors would have stepped in to help. But, that did not happen!
THE MATH DOES NOT LIE. People accepted a totally Low Bar! It's disgusting!
The TOTAL SLACKING in quality standard of how I was treated as a child/teen was UNACCEPTABLE and I've tried my entire LIFE to speak out about it only to be met with the same. "get over it" which is baseless words not connected by anything of substance. That's EXACTLY what I WAS trying to do,, we ALL had to DEAL with it,, Brushing it aside PERPETUATES IT,, it Doesn't help change it!
It's CLEAR what this country is about!! If ALL young people are Not treated like they can be someone,, like they are valued and should be raised to their full potential,, then Something is TOTALLY WRONG!! It was RIGHT in FRONT of EVERYONE,, and people adjust themselves to it instead of saying,, "wait a minute, this is Wrong and needs to be turned around". They allow Criminals in "power" to continue leading them instead of being a REAL GROWN UP and resisting, they Pass the Psych DEBT DOWN like Losers.
This is what I lived which has turned out to Be the scaled down version of what people are finally realizing is on a MASS SCALE!
If I didn't get treated like I has No worth and was respected and listened to as a young person,, Like I should have been,, and people, "Adults" acted like they had the RIGHTS they are meant to have,, this country would Not be in the shape it's in today!

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