The Big Foul Penis in the Botany world/植物界中又大又臭的”陰莖”

in #cn7 years ago

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No, again just the title, no penis, but only a plant that got named cause it looks like one, or that botanist got a dirty mind.

I came across this piece of news about 3 corpse flowers are preparing to bloom at the United States Botanic Garden. I am not a botanist but I am always fascinated by how nature has shaped different plants and evolved them into some very special forms so that they can occupy a particular niche.

The corpse flower

Corpse flowers scientific name is Amorphophallus titanium (Greeks meaning: Amorpho – no form, phallus – penis, titanium – giant) ok let’s not try to pool the words together to make a fuss of out it, haha. But those old school naming are so much more romantic compared to the nowadays naming of a new species. Maybe I will talk about some interesting naming in science later. This plant was native to Indonesia and in Indonesian, they are called the bunga bangkai – flower and corpse. This also made it a popular plant used in fictional stories and manga, for its smell and corpse related naming~

Corpse like signatures for pollination

This plant can grow over 2 meters tall but it’s signature is for its corpse like smell during it blooming time to attract Dung beetles and flesh flies (that usually lay eggs on rotting flesh), and trick them to help the plant pollinate. And to make everything more efficient, the inflorescence can also generate heat to around 37 °C to mimic that of a warm blood animals and help enhance the spread of the stinky odor. Some even says the burgundy color of the flowers also mimic the color of dead animal flesh. (Evolution is really amazing isn’t it)

Chemicals for the smelly nature

The smell from the plant is largely contributed from chemicals that the plant produces, including:

  • Dimethyl Trisulphide, smell of it is similar to that of cooked/ rot onions, and some cheese.
  • Dimethyl Disulphide, smell of it is similar to that of garlic
  • Trimethylamine, smell of it is similar to that of rotting fish
  • Isovaleric acid, smell of it is similar to that of sweaty smelly sock

Who said all flowers smells good when they blossoms?? Nature allocates everyone to a role to play and help each to interact with one and other to form the ecosystem.

Another thing about the plant’s blooming is that they usually bloom once every few years, and that why it become interesting for people to witness those “rare” occasions. Live stream link is also available for the ones in the United States Botanic Garden, they are expected to bloom from 20-23 Aug-2017!!!

Food from relatives

Another plant from the Amorphophallus genus that are more relevant to us are the Amorphophallus konjac, which the corm of it is use to make the food konjac!! I hope next time when you are eating the konjac, it won’t reminds you that you are eating a plant with its relative that will become a giant smelly _____ when it blooms.




屍花的科學名稱是 Amorphophallus titanum(希臘語意思:Amorpho - 沒有形式,phallus - 陰莖,titanum - 巨人)好吧,我們不要試圖集合這些字來拼湊出什麼來,哈哈。但是,與現在的新物種命名相比,這些舊派命名更加浪漫。也許我稍後會談談一些有趣的科學命名。這種植物是印度尼西亞的本土物種,印度尼西亞人稱之為bunga bangkai - 花和屍體。這也使它成為一個流行於虛構的故事和漫畫的植物, 因為它的氣味和屍體相關的命名吧〜


這種植物可以生長超過2米高,但它的標誌是它像屍體一㨾的臭味,去吸引一些糞甲蟲和食肉蠅(通常在腐爛的肉上產卵),並誘騙他們來幫助植物授粉。為了使一切更有效率,花序也可以 產生接近37°C度的熱量,以模仿溫血動物,並有助於增強臭氣的蔓延。有些人甚至說,花朵的勃艮第色也為模仿了死亡的動物肉的顏色。 (自然進化真的很神奇!!)



  • 二甲基三硫化物,其味道與熟/腐洋蔥類似,還有某奶酪。
  • 二甲基二硫化物,其味道與大蒜相似
  • 三甲胺,其味道與腐爛魚相似
  • 異戊酸,其味道與汗濕的襪子相似


植物盛開的另一件事是,它們通常每幾年綻放一次,所以吸引人們看到這些“罕見”的場合。 Live Stream 鏈接也可看到在美國植物園那3朵正準備開花的屍花,預計將於2017年8月20-23日開花!


與我們更相關的 Amorphophallus 屬的另一種植物是 Amorphophallus konjac,它的球莖用於製作蒟蒻食物!我希望下次當你吃蒟蒻時,它不會令你想到,你正在吃一種植物,其親屬是一種在開花時變成一個又巨大又臭的_____。


Photo source: jpg

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Wow just seeing the picture I was , it's so big and the sprout in the middle so tall and kind of beautiful too but was put off when I heard the smell hehehe , never experienced this plant before wonder how people can get within its smell radius :see_no_evil:

i sincerely got no idea, but would love to see it bloom for once in my life time~ and smell it of course haha

Me too hehehe

Diversity of plants is so amazing. What I'm interested in is how that plant learned how corpse smeel like? I think that tell us that nature is so much more complicated than we thought so.

This is the art of evolution, there must be at some point some plants smell like a nice meal, a dead corpse, a burnt wood or something, and some insects liked the dead corpse one, and helped it to pollinate, and it get passed on, while the other ones weren't so attractive~

nature is is amazing and we must cherish it~

可以report 你nsfw 嗎 科科 😏
看完你的post 以後都不敢吃蒟蒻了(´・_・`)

不能lol, 因為是科學post lol可沒有色色的~
蒟蒻我一直都不太喜歡 XD

I wasn't gonna use that until I saw its species name, so catchy lol

如果以生物的角度來看,花算是植物的性器官吧 lol

所以我情人節都不送花加笑女人在拿著一堆性器官 XD

Thank you for sharing your very interesting post. This plant is really huge!! But when I was reading your post and you discribed the smell...I'm sitting her yuck yuck yuck :p
But it really looks stunning :)

Yes, I wish to see and smell this if i every got a chance to do so!!

Ha, I love this one. Maybe you want to check rafflesia arnoldii too

vileplume ~

ahhahahahahahhahaha, now that you mention you are right. Never noticed it before ^_^

Interesting and beautiful shots, thanks for sharing :) #keepsteemin !

i didn't took the pictures, but its a cool plant



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