Why we will end up working for networks and why it's a good thing

in #future8 years ago (edited)

Lets face it, autonomous technology is going to dominate the workforce.  We are building robots that are able to take on human roles, in most cases much more efficient than a human can perform the same role.   

Check out this Hotel in Japan which is more or less staffed with robots:
Or how about Amazon’s shipping warehouses: http://www.techrepublic.com/article/amazon-robots-and-the-near-future-rise-of-the-automated-warehouse/

Cars, trucks and buses are about to drive themselves.  You will be able to have your car drive you to work, drive itself home, drive your kids to school, rent it out while it's not in use to do other autonomous tasks for your neighbors. 

In the agricultural industry we are seeing fleets of self driving machinery operating the fields: http://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Trends/Drones-self-driving-tractors-may-make-life-easier-on-the-farm

We have fast food joints popping up that are going fully autonomous.  Providing quick service, absolute sanitary food preparation, and 24/7 operation, for a business owner this is bliss.  McDonalds is well aware of this and is currently deploying tablet order screens and robots in many of their locations : http://newsexaminer.net/food/mcdonalds-to-open-25000-robot-run-stores-by-2016/

The invention of the Blockchain alone will replace 1000’s of bankers, accountants and legal type jobs. Although, it has paved the pathway for the jobs and the autonomous future.
What does all this mean for the labourer though?  And where the hell are my kids going to work ?

What if I told you Steemit is a great example of where our children will work?  

Humans will work for networks on a pay per participation basis doing new types of jobs.  These new types of jobs are pretty awesome and will include posting content, sorting content, playing games, walking around the block, answering questions.  In a reality where many of the physical laborer types jobs are gone, there will be no other option but for people to employee themselves on a network. 

Why is this great?  It's good news that we won't have a bunch of people living on the streets battling the robotic work regime. Rather, we can let the robots take care of the old physical and sometimes minuscule work tasks, and devote our energy into things we find fun and meaningful. Tasks that utilize the mind rather than the physical body will be considered “work”.  

People will become happier in their lives when they are able to do what they like doing and get paid for it.  When people can work at their leisure they will have more time to help one another rather than battle each other, the loss of stress related to the workplace alone will allow people to become more compassionate for one another. 

How can we speed up the process?

First realize that the current money and its distribution system is flawed.  The money is printed from the top at big Gov and somehow is expected to reach the bottom (you).  Even if governments were honest this system is still seriously flawed as the money needs to hop several times before it would reach you.  At each hop there is risk and fees and so on. The current system helps the 1%, creates wars,  and that’s about it.

Opt to use honest money that is created by a network and is given to you DIRECTLY.  The new jobs will pay from bottom to top rather than top to bottom.  Money coming from bottom would slowly make its way back to the top anyway. Will Rogers knew this back in 1930s and still today we are dealing with the same problems, nothing has changed.

Time for a change people, let the robots have our jobs.  Let’s start working on networks with our minds and enjoying ourselves.  Let’s start using honest currency that is issued to us directly, share Steem with all of our friends, and consider these new networks as real jobs. 

We can be the herd that leads the pack.  


a great read! thanks for posting this! I too agree humans should let the robots handle the heavy duty stuff so we can focus on "more important" stuff ;)

That's the aim. Question is will we end up being the servants though?

before we come in danger of that we need to survive each other and change ;)

Nice article!

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