My Bitcoin rant to the citizens - Fix the money, fix the world.

in #bitcoin4 years ago

fix the money.png
Most governments & central banks have relatively good intentions, however the system has allowed them to manipulate money in a way that enriches the financial elite, in turn disenfranchising savings & future prosperity of the people. Whether it's their belief they should possess this power or not, they're operating on a broken & corrupt system. The concept of inflation (the artificial printing of money) has existed over 100 yrs now. In the beginning, currencies were backed by gold, however human greed found a loophole to devalue, debase, & create money to fund wars, gain power & pay their bills. The inflation created over WW1 to fund the war & the effects of the Spanish Flu pandemic, eventually collapsed the economy, leading to the Great Depression (sound familiar?). Central banks are now printing money like crazy to fix the problem they created & they have the audacity to tell people it won't create inflation. It's simple supply & demand, if you create more of something, you devalue it! But don't stress, this time we have Bitcoin.

The main issues stem from the central banking cartel, printing money whenever they see fit - the dirty rotten core. Central banks (i.e Fed, Reserve Bank) worldwide have the monopoly on money itself, controlling the supply, manipulating interest rates, constantly creating debt & devaluing your currencies. There's currently no cost to create money, this monetary system encourages excessive spending & debt. Bitcoin fixes this, because like gold it has a mining cost, it is savings technology built for a sustainable future. No one person or entity should have the ability to print money out of thin air without cost. If you inflate your currency like this, you're stealing money from the future, from your kids. Over long periods of inflation, your economy will inevitably wind up going broke - This is why every country is currently in financial turmoil, the money has already been spent & cannot be paid back. Who picks up the bill to satisfy the extra debt? The middle class, the workers, the tax payers. This worsens over time at an exponential rate. COVID-19 being the black swan event, the tip of the iceberg to something much uglier - Hyper-inflation; the value of your currency will one day inevitably be inflated to zero. Your purchasing power will eventually drop insane amounts by the day, living costs will become more & more expensive. Suddenly the money you're holding will be worthless & you're transporting it in a wheelbarrow (in a digital sense) - read about the Venezuelan Bolivia. The longer you stay in Dollars, Euros, Yen...the poorer you will become.

We never properly recovered from the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2009. The housing bubble collapsed, every man & his dog had multiple AAA mortgages - it all snow-balled to shit when the loans weren't able to be paid (watch the Big Short because it's happening again). To fix the GFC, the markets were magically brought back to life. Central banks printed a bunch of money & re-bought a sold off market. Come 2020 & a global pandemic; on top of the money printed to recover markets, everyone is receiving stimulus payments. This time the currency is actually entering the economy & becoming realized into the supply. This time it's far worse & far more unsustainable. On top of this, COVID-19 is going nowhere fast.

Perhaps this pandemic is being used as an excuse to cover up years of criminal activity, who really knows. In the past It would constantly bother me how broken & corrupt the financial system is. It used to really frustrate me that people either didn't care or had no idea. Nearly everyone I spoke to would say the same thing though, "Taxes are too damn high". Yes they are! & inflation is sold as a necessity to a healthy economy, when in fact it's just a hidden tax, & from what I can see, the worst kind - compounding the majority of our problems.

In my opinion, an entire social ideology has evolved around central banking, subtly designed to pull a wall of deception over everyone's eyes. There's so many fancy buzz words which essentially just mean Tax - Inflation, Stimulus, Quantitative Easing, the purchasing of Corporate Bonds...I could think of more, but essentially they're all the same. All designed to get the rich richer and the poor poorer. It's disgustingly conniving & convoluted. Most are too scared to doubt it & we're trained from a young age to not even question it. You could argue we've been brainwashed. We go to school, the curriculum is fixed. We're not taught critical thinking, we're taught rope learning. Monkey see, monkey do. Get good grades, so you can get a good job, pay your mortgage an your taxes - abide by the law. Basically remain slaves in the system & keep the ponzi alive. How many capable people live on government benefits? Today people get their stimulus money & are less interested to work. It's a counter-intuitive plan to recover the economy. This system makes you entitled & no one is accountable for their own wealth or well-being. I think most people are adaptable, & when thrown into the deep end, will actually learn how to swim. The people who actually require help, suddenly may have more capable hands around them. Just food for thought, individual accountability could spark positive change.

We can so easily receive huge fines or even go to prison for evading taxes, yet there's an entire double standard where central banks can just counterfeit money out of thin air. Their rich corporate buddies in the banking sector simply launder money as they please. The suits & ties are the real criminals in this world. The truth is, if everyone withdrew their money out of banks tomorrow, due to a complete loss of faith in the currency/system, the banks would go broke well before everyone got their money. Fractional Reserve Banking - banks lend money they don't actually have. Bitcoin matters because it's actually your money & there's a fixed hard capped supply. You become the governing body with the same power as a bank, utilizing your PC or smart device to send, receive & verify transactions - no one stop you.

These days I don't get angry, I get Bitcoin - The most powerful vote one can make. In a world filled with human greed, we require a system of global consensus money run by mathematics that is impossible to manipulate. Bitcoin is the opposite of a scam, it couldn't have your interests more at heart. If you can find harder money please message me (disclaimer: you won't). In a digital world, gold is not practical, & it's not really that hard. We don't truly know how much gold is in the world or universe, & as we've found lately, it can quite easily be subject to counterfeiting - fake gold bars found in China's reserves! You simply cannot fake Bitcoin. Plus central banks are currently hoarding a large portion of all of the world's gold.

When you find Bitcoin it guides you down a deep dark rabbit hole, honestly at the time it really disgusted me. As I remained in the space I kept reading & listening I actually became a lot more positive, & now I'm 100% sure the future is going to be just fine with Bitcoin. I firmly believe money is the root of all evil, so if we can fix it, we really can fix the world. Personally I have no idea how the future will look in terms of taxes, governments, countries etc. All I know is we need a change, we need to rebuild the entire system from the ground up. Bitcoin will be the foundation - A much needed solid base layer, that cannot be corrupted or controlled, & put each person on a level playing field to equally prosper. This does not mean make everyone equal financially (because that's not possible). It means, irrespective of race, gender & beliefs, we all get a fair go to get ahead & live the life we desire. No one is penalized, however everyone is held accountable. I think it'll take a global movement to bring about this kind of change. From what I can see, people are really starting to wake up. Bitcoin is new generation network money, a paradigm shift. Please embrace everything positive it has to offer. Note: no alt-coin can offer what Bitcoin does. If we're going to be saved from a massive depression, Bitcoin is our best chance.

Slowly, then all at once, the world will catch on. In the last month alone, all major payment processors announced they are getting on the band wagon in some form; PayPal, MasterCard & Visa. US regulators have given banks the thumbs up to become "Crypto Custodians".They all want their cut. They can see they're becoming irrelevant, they can see the world is about to shift. They're past the denial stage & can clearly see what's coming. You can chose to ignore it, but let's be honest... Bitcoin is about to shock the world.

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